Maybe I'm still young...

in #life6 years ago

I was pretty proud of myself today after the night I had. (party till the amazing late hours of 1:30am, lol).

Got up early around 8pm, tried out my wirex card and went to the gym.

I managed to burn around 600 - 700 cal.

Not a bad start.

But it's gone progressively downhill after that.

These are the first signs of getting older....I think I know it.

Instead of recovering throughout the day I'm deteriorating.


It's not the first time I noticed it.

Recovery times for late night endeavours seemed to increase with age.

Especially those hours after midnight.

They need to be paid back 3 fold.

I tried to turn the tide by treating me this over the top pulled pork leftover sandwich which was absolutely devine but it didn't matter.


Watching the Tour de France today I fell asleep.

One moment I was watching, the next moment I was gone.

Lights out.

Waking up all groggy I wondered were Bianca was.

I found her in bed, having a nap of her own just the same!

It made me feel a little better! She's only 29!

5 years younger then I.

Maybe it's not age!

Maybe I'm still young :)

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Do the math. Bianca is young (1 to 30). You are middle aged (31 to 60). After 60 you are old. At least that’s the numbers.

Haha, seems I'll be middle aged for a while!

Ha ha! Yes!! 🙃

I think that you are still young, my friend and as a rule signs of aging are felt only after forty years. Perhaps you are a little tired, and the rest that you had, is not enough. In such cases, I take a couple of days of total idleness and sleep, haha, but it helps and the strength is restored. Relax a little and everything will go well! Thanks Mark

As you get older, the naps get better.

There are a few things to look forward to. 😃

As you get older, the naps get better.

LOL! :)

My dear friend, if my mother lived, and read your publication, I said, just opening my eyes to the world my dear @exyle, is just starting a life, 34 years is very little for what has yet to go, you are a very young and attractive man, Bianca must take care of you, but yes, remember that the years do not pass in vain, try to live a healthy and happy life, which is the key to success, greetings to my beloved friend. Note; Do not leave the gym, continue every day, that will keep you active and younger hahahaha.

Maybe it's not age!

Maybe not! Everyone needs a nap sometimes, especially on Sunday. I call Sundays “lazy days”. Many years ago I did party a lot. However, even though I was much younger, the following two days after partying I was completely dead. Now I’d rather not to party, I’d rather have my lazy days 😴 😆.

Yeah me too

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Recovery time slows with age.
You are way younger for what you accomplish so far.
Great to have you here on #steem
Keep on postin'

I never used to take naps when I was younger, but now that I am older I find myself nodding off on the couch much more frequently than I used to. When my wife and I go camping, it isn't uncommon to find me laying in my chair taking a snooze in the middle of the day. I am a pretty light sleeper, but for some reason all of the sounds of the camp ground don't seem to impact me.

Age is just a number anyways. You are getting wiser with each passing year. Mmm, that sandwich made me hungry 😋

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Age is just a number, with each passing year you are becoming more wiser and thoughtful of how to do things the best way and how to maintain your physique.
You don't look old by the way :)
Pretty handsome as a comparison to your age fellows.

May you have a healthy and beautiful life :)

I started noticing this when I turned 33. Before that I could work nightshifts without a blink of an eye the next day, party like a rockstar, and get away with everything. And just at a certain point in didnt anymore!

I really tried to ignore that for a couple of months...but it was pointless, welcome to the new reality!

It is what it is :)

Hahaha that is a great relief, also still do not reach the 40 years you're too young to my mind to be thinking about it! Many would like to have the age and energy you have :)

Glad to hear that you did some partying last night. Yes you are still young, the thirties and forties are the productive years where you should be at your peak. With the improvements in technology and the healthcare system they say 60's are the new 40's nowadays. So you still have a long way to go before aging gets you :)

Oh, love. Just wait till you have children! That's a whole new level of tired 😂 But, in the end it's worth everybit of t i r e d you go through! 🤣 p.s. you're still young young young!! Haha. Take care!

Come one Exyle, stop worrying about getting older.
You just survived a triple heatwave, that's all my friend.

"Watching the Tour de France today I fell asleep."

This happend to me every day! 😀

It happens to the best of us! You are but a spring chicken. Wait until you find yourself sliding down that hill towards 70 and some little freckle-faced kid is gazing into your face and calling you Grandpa. Then you will be wondering, when the heck did that happen...

@exyle 34 years. At that age there is nothing to worry about, friend, a 50 year old man tells you.
I wish you a good start to the week

It is the time catching up, but don't worry, it will take a while.....

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It ain't age brother it's diet................. check out Dr. Morse on youtube.

Yes that's right you are young handsome and fit looking my friend @exyle.

Hi exyle. You obviously are not a party animal 1.30 am is still early lol. Kudo's though for getting up for the gym, I wouldn't have done that.

You're not old exyle, you still look pretty young. And you managed to exercise after a night's out so, your body's in good shape...

You are very young
Stop saying you’re old, it makes us feel very old.😀😀😀

You are still young and handsome 😍

yes still you are young & also looking good like handsome boy

You are still young my friend, age is just a number.. It's the achievements that counts

Mark @exyle don't worry you are not even Close to being OLD..........I am not going to get into that right now...............

I like the way you post about your personal life. It will inspire others to cheer up and enjoy their own simple lives too.

Ha, ha, ha. That's hilarious @exyle. Welcome to my world. 😂

hahah who said you are old invite them to your barbecue session lol :D

Yes you actually are young. 34 years of age isnt at all old. Its average, i mean look at cristiano Ronaldo. Hes world best footballer at this age. Dont bother mate. Get up. You have alot to live.