The user made a good post about the hack under a new account, you can find it here.
All rewards from this post I will send to him.
Orginal post:
I just got a Memo in my account send from user @samstonehill.
It reads.
ACCOUNT BLOCKED: We have detected unauthorized activity in your account. Your account has been BLOCKED for your protection. Please Contact Account Security: ttps://security-steemit.com.mx/account-security-contact
It's of course totally fake.
Normally it's not such a big deal. But this account is lvl 70. Making it seem more legit.
Again nobody will ever ask you for your password on Steemit.
Don't fall for it.
This is what the account looks like atm. It is sending messages to everyone.
The link will lead to this website. It looks professional enough.
I have been writing a lot about account security lately. But it's so important.
This is why you should never use your master key to login. But use your posting key.
With your posting key, it's not possible to transfer funds.
If your posting key is compromised in any way you can always use your master key to change it.
You can find your posting key here:
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This is what I found in his latest post.
"Am a little bit sad to tell you that this account has been hacked and I no longer have access to it.
My new account is @samstonehilltube (which I very much hope you will follow!) and if you would like to understand how this has happened and support me in this moment of crisis, please read, upvote & resteem the latest post there, which explains everything clearly, ensuring this won’t happen to anyone else 🙏🏻"
People having the account on their upvote-bot list should pay attention as well!
O man that's a real shame. Thanks for sharing. I'll send him all the rewards from this post. Liquid and SP.
thanks for sharing, man, it's stuff like this that is going to scare people off... it makes blockchain look bad in away, ya know
Let's just all together downvote him, and get him in - reputation
Check out my latest post
Wow, thanks for the heads up. There seems to be a ton of these phishing attempts and scams going on right now. A random user might not get much attention paid to it, but a level 70 rep account, some people might give it more credence.
Your posts about security have been excellent and with so many new users, are must reads for many. Re-Steeming man. Thanks again and you and Bianca have a great night!
Thank U for the warning
It's such a shame because he was doing such a great job raising funds for the Balinese people displaced by Agung volcanic activity.
nice post my friend and it's too sad to hear that @samstonehilltube account got hacked, the mistake he makes that he opens up that link and put his master password in it to try and contact the support team that's why steemit makes those seven rules.
i agree with your suggestions to try and use steemit with posting key instead of master password so in any case we lose key we atleast have our master password to recover it, thank you very much my friend for giving us wonderful tips and suggestions, so we can continue to use steemit without problems, Stay blessed.
it's pretty sad but also a valuable lesson. Thanks for the heads up, especially about the posting key, I didn't know logging in with it would be a better option. Steemit should have a tutorial about safety for new users.
Most likely it's a phishing bot, otherwise where's the presence of persistent messages. It seems that someone wants to hack into and penetrate into user accounts of Steemit . Many thanks for the useful information @exyle, we need to be more careful!
It's so sad! I just heard about it and headed over to his new account to give it a follow. I gave some flags to the posts on the old account that still had payouts pending. Most are on 0, but there are still two which can us a bit more flagging power. I hope others will finish the job.
many such event's has already happened and the wallet spam and these fraudsters are not seeing to be stopping at all !!
God! This is really concerning... I cannot thank you enough for this post. From now on I won't use my master pswrd unless it's necessary. I'm resteeming this post to spread the message, people should know. Thanks again. Allah bless you
Been using the posting only to login and post after you suggested that the other day.
It is a sad act. Should we go ahead and start flagging the account?
@exyle - Sir, thank you very much for warning us. I checked that link, Sir if you didn't update us, it looks like a genuine Steemit forum. Well organized set of scammers are doing this Sir :( Very useful article for all of us. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
That absolutely sucks that happened to the guy, honestly I am surprised the hacker is trying to get more people and not just be happy with what they have.
Sad but another big warning that we must keep our private keys very safe. I hope you wil never suffer the same fate exyle.
It's one of my worst nightmares.
That's hurt!Loosing level 70 account with a bulk of STEEM means really hurt! Thank you very much for sharing such useful warning message! And the guidance also!@exyle,
UPVOTE..dear @exyle, very important message you convey to us via your nice written article about security matters and about hacked accounts. your suggestions are worth for us, thanks for telling us importance and uses of master key and posting key.
I'm wondering, how this account reached to a reputation score of 70? It means it was a legit account but have just started doing such shitty things!
exyle already offered a very reasonable possible reason, account might be hacked
Hmmmm, you're right. Missed that part!
i just posted on @samstonehilltube "it is these kind of one-time security lapses that I think will prevent Steemit from really taking off. i'm a noob, but it seems so damn fragile"... it's scary, i'm looking to invest more in Steem (and just did), but it's hard for the average noob like me to totally trust the system sometimes... hmm
Hi @exyle, Good and bad people are everywhere and Steemit is not an exception. However, what's worrisome for me is that it's very easy for beginners to click such a spammy link and fall prey to one of the spammers. It's however encouraging that people like you're continuously writing guides to help users keep their accounts safe.
You're an asset for Steemit community.
Steem On!
That is so friggin sad! f n hackers man geez
It the hit down the hackers are people without concience, they steal and anybody put a stop
Frustrating that people are out there trying to derail steemit.Cheers for the heads up @exyle!
Thanks for this information @exyle. Have to be aware of these thing now days.
Congratulations on reaching level 70, now much authority on steemit. and it's annoying those spam messages to steal users. they should receive flags
Well done thankyou for sharing :) so others will know that is a fake message
Thanks for the information and the advice. Fraudstars everywhere, funny world.
Security has to be considered very seriously. Thank for the info.
so much spam going on right now in the Steemit world. As Steemit becomes more popular, there are going to be more trolls. Thanks for this info! Will be on the lookout.
wow thank you so much for the warning :)
Thanks a lot @exyle for sharing all these security alerts. I feel sorry for lvl 70 and hope this would be a lesson learnt for all of us to have the posting key. Keep up the great job bro
This is why I never bothered to subscribe to some of the services whih require me to give me master key.
wtf, thank goodness there is a way of anticipation, thank you @exyle good post
Great article brother about a very important topic.
Very informative post. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Thanks for the tips and the waring .will look forward to it in future
thank for your great information and post.
He got hacked indeed. What a pity.
I wonder how the future of cyber security will look like when blockchain is totally mainstream.
holy shit, saw his account today and was wondering what happened. thanks for sharing.
SAdest Badass Phishing hacker ever ! lol !
I use KeePass as one of my password keepers. One of the features that you can turn on is a reminder to change you password every XXX days.
Here is an example

Nice post!
i am New User Please follow upvote and comment thanks!
I will do daily 👍
Thanks for this information as i am newbie here on steemit.@exyle