The weather has been beautiful but cold in the Netherlands for a while now.
This night it will be -7c which is pretty cold for Dutch standards.
(But, of course, it's a far cry from what I have seen in some of the Canadian Steemians postings. -25c crazy!)
To my surprise, Bianca wanted to do something fun today. Instead of staying in.
I say to my surprise because very cold weather and Bianca don't always go hand in hand :)
She's from Brazil.
We googled some places and then found a small Dutch brewery in Rotterdam that we never checked out.
It's called the Pilgrim and it's located in a part of Rotterdam that wasn't bombed during the war so it still has all the old buildings.
We decided to go there with the bus and metro because that's, in general, a smart idea when you go visit a brewery.
Before we went anywhere we went to the gym first. I was very proud of Bianca because she gained 3KG of muscle since we started again. I somehow managed to lost 0,5kg. The workout was great. I already have all the strength back that I lost.
The part of Rotterdam we went to is called Delfshaven and the Metro station there has this pattern on the wall. The sign says 'greetings from Delfshaven'.
Comming out of the Metro it's instantly clear that the architecture here is totally different from the center of Rotterdam which is much more modern.
We had to walk for 5 minutes and then we came across this tunnel. The Pilgrim should be on the other side!
The other side of the tunnel looked like this. A harbor with beautiful old buildings on either side. The weather was stunning.
We saw the Pilgrim straight away but we had to cross this old bridge first.
And there she was! City brewery: The Pilgrim!
The moment you enter the door you are hit by that smell that can be only one thing. Beer is being brewed here! I always think it smells delicious.
The Brewery has an amazing atmosphere. Warm and Cozy.
They had a nice selection of beers to choose from. Bianca wanted a white beer and I went straight for the motherload. Armada rum barrel aged beer!
O yes! What an amazing beer. Very dark, almost no foam. Not extremely thick like some BA beers. Rum flavor very noticeable and an amazingly long finish. Not the lightests at 11%. Basically a beer you want to come back for!
On the menu was a platter. I asked the guy there what that meant. He said it's basically a selection of everything we have to offer. I decided to go with it. 10 minutes later he comes back with this! I can't ask for more....what an amazing place! I was so happy.
I also had a taste of the Russian Imperial Stout, which was extremely good and we finished up with a little lighter beer. A beer called the Stoom bier (Steam beer). Seemed appropriated :)
I will definitely want to come back here. Show this to the blockbrothers guys and also @fabrews.
I had a great sunday!
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It doesn’t only look delicious it smells delicious. The city of Rotterdam looks amazing. If I ever get a chance to visit this beautiful city I will definitely stop by at the City brewery: The Pilgrim!
I bet you had a wonderful time with Bianca.
wow amazing place indeed friend and it's nice to see you and bianca really enjoy your sunday by visiting unique place and it is no doubt great way to release some stress and gain back some lost freshness, the thing i really like about that place is it's architecture, the buildings are old but they are looking so cool and attractive, thanks for sharing your sunday moments with us friend and wish you a fantastic week ahead, Stay blessed
Ufff my friend @exyle, everything looks amazing. I loved the town, the brewery and the food (especially the food, I love eat hahaha). It'd be great to get to know places like this. The only thing that makes me think about whether or not to go, is the temperature of -7c, since I am accustomed in Venezuela to temperatures not lower than 16c hahaha.
Thanks for sharing!! Greetings and a hug :)
Oh my ... that platter of delicious food and the Motherload of all Beer, what could possibly go wrong. All I can says is wow. And I thought I saw STEEM beer and I look at the name of the beer again and it was Steam Beer lol. And you look good in the picture @exyle.
Awesome photos and nice shots of the beautiful places in Rotterdam
brewery beer really good.because Bianca share beer of with u. its really good time of u. you spend good moment of bianca with good beer.netherland is a good winter season this nice place.all place very beautifull. i hope you sharing your good time spending of bianca.enjoy this moment.its good memories of u.. Amsterdam very luck of u.good day sir.thank u very much for ur good posting... @exyle
So cold out there you did the right thing to find it perfect way to enjoy the day :D
Super amazing and beautiful shots to look at this is incredibly amazing wow :)
I just tasted it with your detailed description. I love beers, I think beers is one of the greatest invention man ever made to relieve stress. LoL.
What a treat and what a little gem you found! Perfect day out - trying new local beers and getting a feast good enough for a king! The Armada sounds amazing with the hints of rum in there, we're surprised you didn't come stumbling out of the brewery 😜 You can handle your drink
Geesh crist, Mark @exyle that looks scrumptious ( the Platter) !! Sounds like you two had a fabulous Sunday. Beautiful here in South Texas . Sunny and 75 degrees. But I would have traded my day for that beer and food, fer sure lol
The day was awesome but I can't wait for that warmer summer weather! I guess you can't always get what you want (straight away) :)
Wow I wish we had places like this here where I live. We have a couple micro breweries but nothing really established as that.
With the popularity of beer brewing increasing in the Netherlands you see more and more of these sort of places popping up. This one was an old one though, not sure how I missed it.
Belgium hasn't been much hotter either. We're barely below the freezing point during the day and my ears are already freezing off. Can't imagine what it must be in Canada. Anyway, I like how you documented your trip to the pilgrim today. The quality of the pictures look really nice. The brewery looks extremely cozy and authentic I would visit it just for the authenticity because I'm not a beer guy.
One of my favorite things to do on a nice cold Michigan winter day, drink beer at a cozy brewery.
We have a lot here in Michigan, Kuhnhann Brewery being my favorite to visit.
The rum barrel aged beer sounded great, I often find myself going for the higher gravity beers myself. It’s kind of like a drug addiction for lack of a better analogy...the more craft beer you have the the higher gravity beers you desire.
Sounds like a fun day, cheers!
Yes! It's hard to say no to a strong stout or BA beer. Especially when it's cold.
In the short time of following your blog. I've noticed your love for beer(the best quality obviously).

I decided to join the trend today while watching a football game Manchester United - Chelseea.
On the table is a star lager beer and Guinness stout. I did enjoy it a little but I'm more of a fan of vodka.
Great find and some sweet beers on a Sunday!.
Although that tunnel. Thats the kind of one that in Glasgow you don't go into for fear of not coming out of!
LOL! on the other side....must risk it.
Congratulations for the good results you are getting in the gym, lose weight and gain muscle is a good match.
The city they have visited is beautiful, I love the architecture of those buildings, I like the beers a lot but I do not tend to fatten the avoids, except for some special occasion, the menu looks very delicious and varied.
When judging by the images it was great great Sunday.
I wish you the beginning of a prosperous week dear friend @exyle
Thank you man, I wish you the same!
Yeah! That looks like a good place. Need to say that -7 is quite OK as I live in Poland for a while now and last year it reached -30 degrees. Whenever you decide visiting Poland, especially Krakow, let me know and I'll take you to some great breweries here as well!! Nice post again @exyle
I'll keep that in mind! Man...-30c sounds cold!
hehe, true that. Currently, it's -10, but in the Netherlands, it seems to be quite similar I suppose. Cheers!
The platter looks amazing! Everything but the kitchen sink!The beer looks good too. I'll put this on my places to visit when I get to Rotterdam...
Hi Cici! 💖 Seems like i have not bumped into you for a long time! Good to see you here. You're going on a trip to Europe! That is so exciting! When are you going? For how long? This pub looks awesome eh? Do you like beer? Or maybe that is a silly question!!! 🌹
Europe is on my bucket list. I was there many years ago and loved it. I am hoping to get there this year, but time will tell. I have other things I must deal with first. If I go this year, I will stay 6 or 8 weeks. I like to visit a lot of places. This pub will be on my visiting list for sure. I do like beer and have been considering brewing my own. I am still hoovering around, it is just the last few weeks have been terribly busy and have required that I travel quite a bit.
looked amazing but also tasted amazing :) Perfect food with a beer. If you are ever in Rotterdam let me know.
I will!
such a beautiful place. When you got to Pilgrim, that was my country's flag hanging by the right. The one with the Green and white. You really had a great time
I may have the same feeling as Bianca does. It was snowing heavily last two days since I am Asian from HK which is a city will never snow and always is around 15-25 degrees everyday. I was staying indoor and no matter how my boyfriend wanna kick me out from our home for a walk it doesn't work. It's a hard life with cold weather for me! By the way, the places in Netherlands you guys have been are so beautiful ! I only have been to Amsterdam. It's good to know somewhere selling good beers there as we are beer lovers:) I prefer lager or some other white beers but maybe next time I will give a second chance to the dark ones.Armada rum barrel aged beer?
I wouldn't recommend going for the Barrel-aged beer straight away if you prefer lager. You might want to try an IPA. Which can be a more refreshing beer experience and a nice step up from a normal lager. And from there slowly work your way up to the heavy hitters. It's a fun journey. Yeah, and the cold weather can be a bit brutal for the ones not so used to it :)
The sun as been strong today but still sooo cold, dam minus -25! Haha I know how Bianca feels as I also come from a warm place lol, the buildings are nice and that tunnel is funky, wow that mixed plate looks amazing @exyle
Great post! Really makes me hope I am able to meet all the big Steem people someday. Looks like a lot of fun and great adventure! Also, I suppose when I think of Holland, I think of marijuana. But, I suppose that is specifically Amsterdam, not Rotterdam.
And yes, the Steem beer seems like the way to go. Amazing looking patter too! Now you have to work out more!
There are plenty of coffee shops in Rotterdam too. but Amsterdam is most known for it.
She added 3kg of muscle. That's impresive. It means she did the workout right. It's amazing when you go to these kind of beautiful places with someone dear to your heart. Bianca is adorable!
The question is: Who took the pictures? Did you take all? Or did Bianca take all? Or did you take turns. Whoever took them seems to be an expert in holding the camera. No blurring at all. Oh wait! Did you share only the best ones with us?😃😃
I trust you had a wonderful day.
Enjoy! And dont forget to extend my regards to Bianca
Thank you! 😊
Wow dude!
I really love beer ESPECIALLY live craft brew beer! Though I am Not sure which looks better, that beer or that food plate!
Looks like a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing it with us. One of the MANY great things about the SteemVortex∞§∞
I'm hungry and craving a beer now! Cheers!
I think it is one of the best memorable tours in your life.
Mark @exyle didn't they know they spelled their Beer incorrectly ? Stoom Bier should be spelt STEEM BEER..........
wao very nice photography and blog too. there is also wether beautifull and cold in my country pakistan . i like your food photos and drink .
Your fascinating word brilliant toughal also outstanding photography its really impress me also both are looking very pretty
I hope you are best happy couple in this world...
Thanks for sharing with us ur lovely moment @exyle
I do hate the smell of beer, but the taste of a good beer like one brewed in Rotterdam is synonymous to the taste of wine made of pomegranates.
The beautiful pictures displayed in this post with magnificent architectural designs is enough to desire a visit to Rotterdam.
I can only imagine the feeling, it would be an ethereal one. Beautiful Post.
Good enjoy the weather food beer and more more ...
Woww this is really amazing
You are blessed
Un viaje fascinante!
wow a very nice trip @exyle, good luck always @exyle
Your Fascinating word, creative thought and Beautiful photography really impressed me. I always read your post. I enjoy it.
Glad you both have a good time. The platter is super full. ^^
The adventure started like a research work were you needed to google out where to go. It good to have finally made something great out of the day.
Lolzz.. I didn't make mention of the beer. Yh, I don't drink. Mama warn me not to.
Mind Blowing stuff & fantastic!
pleasing & astonishing!
like it...we can share beer sometime..
Amazing. Just sighted Nigerian flag at the entrance. Is the owner of the brewery by any chance a Nigerian?
Beer is the best companion in these extremely low temperature regions.
What a fun date!! Super cool photos @exile. I think Bianca needs a toque!!
Thx for sharing your adventure in a blog 💖
Wow amazing. I hope you both would enjoyed it. :)
the city is lovely to see great architecture around but most importantly in this freezing cold weather to enjoy a beer is more epic :)
wow the plate comes with everything there such a delight to have it all and the beer was seems to be the finest :)
Brewery was really cool from inside nice decorations and looks fantastic too :)
Looks like a great place and the food looks heavenly. It's always fun to find somewhere new.
I was a bit shocked to see those people sitting outside though. Were they smokers do you think?
I have never been to Netherlands but i know one thing about site seeing... It's very recreative.
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