A meeting with Ben, a gym session and a cart full of diet.

in #life7 years ago

Ben (@bennierex) came round today for a meetup.

We discussed the latest developments regarding @blockbrothers and also crunched all the numbers when it comes to expenses. (all the servers, web domains, external development costs).

It's looking good and like I said this morning. The high SBD price is more than just a blessing for content creators it's also great for developers that want to invest.

While here he also worked on documentation about the Steemify server to give to the Android developer.

I must admit this whole adventure is getting very real :)

I can't believe how my life is taking a new direction in just under two years.

What's also cool is that one of the doctor's offices called me today.

They found a new IT partner and want me to speed up the process of dismantling (normally 3 months) the contract I have with them.

Fantastic news because those 24-hour contracts are a burden I no longer want.

One less to worry about soon!

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After Ben left around 17:00 I packed a bag and went straight to the gym.

I didn't want to go but I had to. So I forced myself.

Food wise Bianca and I been alright but the gym not so much.

Last week we only went one time. (I know....)

It's not enough but I do find it extremely difficult to get motivated to workout and I know it's the winter.

I'm hoping if I force myself to go enough times this week my body will just at some point accept it as the new norm :)

The workout was intense and very tiring. But I'm glad I went.

I always feel better after a workout regardless whether it was a bad one or a good one.

I need to remember that next time I struggle to go.

After the gym, Bianca and I went to the shop.


Bianca has created a week menu for us full of healthy food.

It's smart because then it's easier to keep the focus on what you are going to eat.

We went there to grab all the stuff.

Admittedly this is not a trolly filled with goodies that will make my heart beat faster.

But it's the right stuff.

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Bianca cooked us dinner this time while I had a chat with my dad who came from the North.

She made this amazing rice with yogurt sauce and some meat.

It was delicious and very light.

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All things considered, it was a pretty awesome day.

And sure not bad for a Monday!

Have a great week everyone!

I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

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I am also planning to continue my gym classes but my motivation is extremely down these days. I really want to continue but cannot. Any motivation can you give to start again?

The only thing that works for me is not to overthink it. Grab your bag and go.

Gym just like before SF2.
You should have more time now.
Healthy habit takes a long time to build.
Nice dish, like the color.
Keep on steemin'

If only gym would be like Streetfighter :)

I like the direction your life is headed as well! Its funny how quickly things can change when you're open to new things! Keep on rolling! I'm excited to see where the community is headed! Thanks for the post!

Wow - you have great support here.

You have to go to the gym, you couldn't let all these people down.

The food looks great!
Its true, when cooking healthy the focus is on what's being put into the body which is really good.
I hope we can see some of this yummy recipes soon!

Maybe once you finish become a full time blogger you will have more time to work out. Until then you just have to grind it out :)

You've had a good time, I think,
Must exercise every morning may benefit you in your life
This is the first time I've seen your account and become one of your followers

That looks good! Like a chicken curry. Mmmm.
As far as the gym goes, you just have to do it. And soon you will be in a routine and want to go. I’m trying to get working out more and eating better so i can get in better shape and join the army.

I recently talked with some recruiters and they gave me some things to do so i can be “army strong” lol.

I really agree with your suggestion.

The gym is important to health, but food is just as important. It’s about finding the balance. And you certainly do well with making pretty good food. Nothing crazily unhealthy as far as I can tell.

I actually envy your cooking sometimes

That rice with yogurt looks great. Is there anyway i could get a recipe ? As far as the gym goes...that is and will be the hardest part for me. Trying new healthier foods is an adventure in itself and i know i should do some gym too, but its just not gonna happen.

I think Bianca will post it this week (@bkdbkd).

Wonderful, thank you for letting me know :D

Excellent post my friend and i am happy to see you again go to gym and no doubt it's hard to motivate yourself especially in winter's to go for a workout but you made a wise decision and doing regular workout is a healthy habit and it surely produce great results, i also like that you and bianca made a weekly menu and it show how proactive you are and yes it's always great to know about what we are going to eat in next coming days, wish you a very joyful and cheerful week ahead my friend, Stay blessed

Have a great week yourself man!

Good to know you are doing allí right bud!

Ps: is there a way to directly contact blockbrothers? I had some issues with the app a few days ago

Send us an email: steemify@blockbrothers.io or via Telegram: https://t.me/blockbrothers

Chicken and brocolli in the basket, it looks like my basket. Has to be done but it hurts!

Steak and beer would be better....but o well :)

Sometimes you never know where the road will take you, but I’m happy to know things are working out for you !!


hahaha but i think now you cannot focus on your gym regularly because you dont have some storng aim for this and you canot compromise on foods for gym @exyle
i was read your post before 4 month ago that time you promise yourself but you couldnot do it
but one thing is really speciall that you cook delecious and tasty foods to look always want to eat your dishes

good to see you guys eating better, it's a constant challenge we have too. we just had beetroot and feta burgers. they were lovely! :)

Yeah I remember our chat about it on Steemfest. We do what we can on our end! Congrats on the healthy burgers!

it's a constant battle at times with food when the momentum of your life is fast you know? that's what i've found. i work hard and eat hard! :)

I'm impressed by you - going to the gym even though you don't want to. In dark and cold Europe it's pretty hard to have energy for the gym at winter time, I agree. I feel sluggish from October to March basically... It's ironic how we need energy to go to the gym, but the gym will give us energy. LOL!

Thanks Susanne. It's not easy in the winter for sure! I can't wait for spring to arrive. Not long now. March is almost here.

ironic how we need energy to go to the gym, but the gym will give us energy.

And well said. I'll go tonight again.

Nice to see these meetings.. i was having some interesting questions myself.. can I ask those on steemit.chat?

Here or on steemit chat is fine man.

Looks like curry, and any curry is yummy in my book.
I feel you on the gym thing. It's really hard to do sometimes when you have so many things asking for your attention, and the winter sure doesn't help. Best I can say is do every day what you did today...just go no matter what (barring injury). Now if I could just take my own advice we'd both be in much better shape!

Congrats on the good looking expenses, and on getting out of that contract earlier than you thought. All things looking up man.

Healthy foods is a sure necessity, not an option, for a healthy living. A good walkout is certain to improve your "mechanical advantage". Bianca has been a very good companion. Behind or rather, beside every successful man, there is a woman. My regards @exyle

Great work with your food preparation and adjusting to a healthier lifestyle. Just remember that a new routine takes some time to become a consistent part of your daily activities, take action everyday and look toward small incremental change over time. I wish you all the best with your fitness journey.

I love the fact that you gym and eat healthy..it's not always easy but in the end you will be proud of yourself..look at how good you look after working out..so awesome..keep it up man..your post is a motivation for me..some good things don't come easily really

You had an okay Monday. It could have been worse. The dish Bianca cooked looked really good. Is your Dad staying long?

He's staying till Thursday. It's a weekly rotation.

Good news with the faster contract and congrts with the 1000 downloads @exyle the trolley looks good to combat steemfat the food seems yummy I like the yogurt source idea I normally love them.

Meetings, all for blockextensions, and developments. Then force the tired brain to bring you to the gym. After that workout you sure look for a good dinner. It looks very tasty and probably you had fun while preparing. Have a Nice evening !

Good post!

Talking about diets - you should try the so called 5-2 diet or fast diet. You eat normal fr 5 days and for two weeks you eat less than 600 calories. Works great in the long term and is said to be very good for your health. I have done this several times and it works very well - until you stop it - then things become difficult. I have just started this again a week ago - maybe I should write something on it.

Getting healthy with diet, exercise and fresh air!

Lol, at first I've read gin session, I was going to ask if you drink it straight because of the glass in the first photo 😂

I've seen people lose weight just from changing their diet without exercise. Great idea on creating a weekly meal plan.

I completely agree with you my friend that the price of the SBD is very encouraging and gives an additional impetus to our development, the more it helps you in advancing the Steemify, which I am very pleased with! I'm also very glad to hear that you have returned to training, because a healthy form is very important now, when it's winter in the street, after which you and Bianka and I are sure of that, had excellent supper to enjoy food and restore strength! Thank you Mark and keep us informed of what's happening!

It's a very desirable life, and health is the best catalyst in life.

Yes used much energy but later after gym you realized an energy ⚡ Booster #meal

That's great discipline to muster courage to the gym even when you don't feel like it. I admire that... Working is my thing and I'm always grateful doing that because it tells on my body.

No pain, no gain!
Afterall you got rewarded with healthy delicious meal.

Once again congratulation on making decision to go full time Steem. Your dream has come true. On top of it beautiful wife, healthy family, healthy food and gym. What else can you wish for.

i lake is blockbrothers

Food we eat everyday is needed by the body as a source of energy, growth, and for health. We need foods that contain the right amount of nutrition and balance. The ideal food contains six kinds of food substances, namely carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and air. deficiency or excess of one of the above-term food substances can cause health in the body, such as malanutrisi and obesitas.

Wow this healthy eating is what I'm trying to do everyday now - will you be willing to post with your weekly meal plan and shopping list? I think it would be a good idea for new posts in future

Goed bezig 👍 Gezond eten en goed bewegen is niet alleen goed voor je lichaam maar het maakt je geest ook sterker..

Super blog weer 👍


I'm excited for that android ap. :)

Delicious choice - Cheers

Yeah whenever I go to the gym, I also feel great afterwards. I'm always happy that I force myself to go there if I don't want to, because it feels good to do something productive!

wow!amazing post..i like it.
I appreciate your blog.
Thanks for sharing story.

Best of luck.

congrates on ur success u r doing some serious good things for the community. i hope so u succeed in ur mission

Keep up the good work

High SBD price has been blessing to us all, indeed.

Gym wise, I can give you a suggestion how to be more frequent at the gym.

What has helped me the most was finding gym buddies.

It's a lot easier when you know that you're going to hang out there, and basically have fun.

Not only to do "business".

Fixing your diet if 40% of the job.

Going to gym and progress all the time is other 40%.

And also, really important things is sleep.

Try to get atleast 7 hours a day.

Ok, I score with the diet and sleep part. That´s at least 60%. Does the high SBD price count for the rest or has it to be this ugly g** word?^^

Work outs can be tiring at first but once the body adjusts and gets used to it, every sessions becomes more fun as you can no longer go a whole day without it. You sure had a fulfilling day.... And congratulations with the news from the hospital. I am also eager for the android version of your app and it is good to see that you are making progress with it.

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