It has been snowing really really nicely this winter and I’ve been dying to go sledding, but the snowmobile I prefer has been in the shop for some major repairs.
Finally it’s working and I get to destroy these pristine powder snow views, ahhhh. So damn excited! Couple laps in the fields around the house and then off to the woods->
15 minutes later.....
Yep, it’s stuck.
I desided to go a little off route and try out how the sled would go on deeper powder snow, and as you can see, it didn’t 😂
Tried backing up, tried digging a little, tried wiggling and jumping to get more traction, but me and my 50 kilos couldn’t do shit for this.
Call father for the rescue and it took him all of two minutes to ride it out of there...
This is why you don’t ride alone, kids. I wouldn’t have tried this if I had been further away from home.
Back on this horse tomorrow when we go driving on a real route, probably for 40-50 kilometers worth. I’m gonna go with my little brother, who is not so little anymore. It’s going to be a challenge for me to keep up with his pace and I already know I’m going to be so sore the day after!
For different kind of sledding, check out this post my friend @jeffjagoe made earlier today 😁
yea i love this, i havent sled and i can only watch people do this on tv, stay safe dear and dont go too deep in the wood
Next time you should be careful... my friend @eveuncovered... Nature is beautiful, but it can be harsh.
sledding the first time in winter again #hyped
That’ll work too 😁
Very good post @eveuncovered
Nice post.i like this.
pity that your hair is hiding. But luckily even that helmet can't hide your beautiful eyes :)
Does not look so easy in deep snow :)
Should be hard enough even without the deep snow 😅
Yes, I belive you :)
SPEED is everything with snowmobiles! :D Amazing fun, especially on good ice & snow on the sea. Hammer it and try to avoid the hiding white bumps and pits x)
Yeah, learning the hard way, like always 😅
Arvaappa vaan oonko iteki joskus ollu repimässä kelkkaa umpihangesta... x)
Päättelisin että jonkin sortin itkupotkuraivaria siellä on joskus jouduttu heittämään hangessa 😂
xDDD Ei nyt sentään semmosia ihan... Mutta riittävän syvällä hangessa kuitenkin, varsinkin parikymmentä kiloa sitten :D
Sama stna touhu jatku tänää, tällä kertaa kaivettii pikkuveikan kelkkaa hangesta, hiki tuli xD
You probably know better than I what you're doing but I'd still warn against speeding in the woods. Have fun and take care!
Trust me, I'm a professional!
Oh cool, you really have a lot of snow where you live ❄
That's what dad's are for!
I bet you could have gotten it out of there, but that would have ruined your manicure.
Lol. My painted nails don't effect my strength, or the lack of it.
It's such a beautiful scenery and it's a treat to ride one of these. I live in snowy region myself and I cannot compare the joy of these rides with anything. And you know what you can't move it on your own if it gets stuck so I suggest you to ride with friends or family. That will help a lot. And BTW keep posting more about these fun rides.
Super fun. I had sleds growing up. So many mornings trying to get the bloody things started. I'm sure they've gotten better since then.
This thing starts when you turn the key, if it feels like it. Most of the time it doesn't and if the engine is cold, there is no way I can get it started xD
Nice to have cell service, huh?
Yep, wouldn't have wanted to walk home.
I love snow ! Hope you didn’t froze though 😄
I have about five layers of winter clothing on :D
Now that's some badass sledding!
Thank you so much for the shoutout :)
I have never been on a snow-mobile before but it sure looks like a lot of fun...
Is there a network of trails that lead you to towns and shops so that you can you use those as a primary mode of transportation in the Finnish winter?
Your sledding was just cute with the doges🤗
Haha, we prefer cars over here for the grocery shopping, but in theory we could drive to the town center with a snowmobile too. Though it’s actually illegal to ride away from the marked trails.
Wow, you are having so much fun there! I know how it feel to have a younger sibling (in my case a sister) of who I can't get used with the idea that she has grown and now is a woman, not a child anymlre. Well, for me she will always be a child and a crazy cat lady :))
PS: you are writing well, didn't got that funny part in your other articles by now, it seems to be evolve pretty good!
My brother will always be a little big eyed brat for me even though he is legally an adult know.
I’m quite funny, in my humble own opinion, but maybe that doesn’t always translate to everyone here. I’m very sarcastic and not many people get my jokes in written form.
Yeap, I can totally agree with that, written sarcasm gets unnoticed 90% of the cases. My sister will become an adult next week and I still didn't thought about a present for her. Any ideas from an experienced lady?
Hmm, I came up with a rather unique idea. So your sis is a crazy catlady, and I'm a plantlady, so combined the interests I had the idea that you could get her some catnip plants :D
This is a unique idea,ideed, but I don't think she will think the same about it. She is behaving like a mother with her cats so it is unlikely that she will ever agree with it
That looks so fun!! Pretty super jealous now, I don't even think you could BUY a snowmobile in the UK!!
Of course you can, but it's another thing to find the snow to drive on :D
Haha that's probably true. In one of my favourite snowboard films they use one to drive across a lake which is pretty cool. I guess we could just do that!
Sounds like fun, despite your misadventure. You live in beautiful country, I'm envious.
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I wish I could do that in here.. Would be nice to have something fun to do in this shitty time of the year called winter.. But no, it's not even real winter anymore.. I wanna get the fuck out of here and fast!
Oh sry for blasting, nice photos Eve :DD
I get pretty down in the city so I know how you feel if you don't have the opportunity to get out of there to enjoy winter somewhere beautiful. For now you'll have to live through my pictures :)
It's something ! :D