Not Today

in #life7 years ago


Everything keeps crashing, from crypto market to my Macbook Air and my mental health with that.

I know I shouldn't be manically refreshing Blockfolio, I know crypto is not dead and I know I'm not going to starve to death in a long while, but it does effect me and my mood. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

I was going to take some proper self portraits but I'm not feeling it, so I'm not doing it. I'm a creative person and I don't like working if I don't have the right feel for it. Forcing creativity just feels wrong and I think it shows in the final image, and I like to be real.

I think the current events are good for the market, and good for me in the long run. This a true test on if I can handle the drastic changes in the market and not freak the fuck out and do something stupid. I'm still pretty new to cryptos but I intend to be in it for the long run. I am a quite emotional being but I don't want my emotions dictating how I make decisions. HODLHODLHODL.




I have some pretty awesome trips coming up (more on those soon) and I should just chill and keep doing life and shit with a smile on my face. I'm heading to a latin dance class to distract myself for at least an hour, let's chat more after that.

What do you do to keep yourself calm in the turbulent crypto waters?

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Yes, for sure the only way to deal with the current suitation is HODLLLLLL.
I uploaded my today's video on dtube and my topic was the same and you know what I was doing, I was laughing it the whole video.I think that is the best approach ahha

..made me grin, because I use "not today" on my AK suppressor :D DSC_0106.JPG

Pistit paremmaks.. 100-0

I bet THAT break lot of ego's ...ja sydämetkin ainaki 200 metriin..mahhaha.

I like your emotional honesty - it shows in your pictures. I thought you said you weren't going to be taking any selfies today? You capture the emotions of uncertainty and tension very well - and I think that is actually some pretty "good art." Everything doesn't always conform to the normal standards of beauty and perfection - it's just a normal part of life. I believe capturing these emotions could have more value than you think.

As far as the crypto roller coaster goes... I just pulled $2,000 to drop into more cryptos because this is our Crypto New Years' Day Sale !!! Crypto isn't going anywhere. Attribute this current hiccup to the fact that there's this massive tax-cut from Trump, China is doing everything it can to compete with/crash/replace the PetroDollar as the World Reserve Currency, and the fact that the Stock & Bond Markets have had a very, very wild ride over the last couple of days.

Ask yourself this: What comes next, after the Dollar implodes??? Many people who know more about the financial world than I do are saying that cryptocurrency is going to be a part of the next World Reserve Currency. This recent crypto-craze has just been a warm-up to get people used to the idea. Right now, maybe 3.5% of everybody has even dabbled in cryptos. That places this new idea right at the start of what I believe is going to be a 2018 moonshot for cryptos. I think this year is going to dwarf last years' profits. I got into Steem in May, 2017. Steem was about $1.20 and I saw it go up to $8 last year. I would not be surprised to see it go past $25 in 2018, and that is probably being very conservative. BTC will blow away it's last highs - just wait...

I had something really different in mind for photos but I had to take something to convey my real emotions, and it did work alright I guess.

I bought a little more cryptos, but I don't have much cash on hand to buy more, have to live off of something until the day bitcoin will rise enough that I can get some real profits. I joined on May 2017 also and I'm exited to see where all this goes :)

Been thinking a lot about you these days, when I look at the numbers, the value of steem and how all that must make you feel, with your still young decision to go on "self employed"...

Of course you are too smart, to let this scare you into a real panic. Rationally thinking, we all know, its just a phase and things will turn around. But it can get to one on an emotional level.

I can understand very well, how you can't bring yourself to create, when you feel this way. Its like that with me too. My PC has been giving me the worst time for two weeks and just when I think its all fine, he eats another harddrive... ok, no big deal in the big picture, but it aggravates me to the point, that its difficult to stay focused on more important things.... so, we all have things that try to pull us down, and working for myself for 30 years now, I had quite a few ups and downs. One gets used to it ;-)

At least, crypto is all green again today!

Looks like I was right with my prediction, that there will be some traveling :-) Very curious!

So, what do I do to keep calm? Actually I'm only depressed, that I don't have any extra cash to invest at this "opportunity" 😥

Aww, aren't you just the sweetest!<3 I'm alright over here, just a little nervous. I knew quitting my job would be a little risky because I would be depending on what I make in here and in trading crypto. But the funny thing is that even with all the prices this low, I still make more than I would with a full time cooking job... though I do put more effort into this "job".

You put well into words what I meant in this post, rational thinking vs emotions. It calms me a little to talk to you because you've probably been through quite a lot over the years being a self employed artist, and it seems like you are doing okay :)

Don't you just hate it when electronics fail to work like they should?! Doing a simple task turns into an hour long battle, argh.

Yeah, it looks like we have some positive changes happening in the market today :) I bought myself a little more bitcoin a couple days ago and also wished that I had taken out more in December to invest back in now. But no big regrets here :)

First clue: I'm going to Southeast Asia :)

I bet you break a lot of hearts and ego's when you wear that shirt out in public.
Enjoy the ride, it is wild and crazy and if it doesn't break you it will make you.

I might do that, shirt on or off ;)

It does keep one on it's toes, and I do like rollercoasters too :)

She looked down at her phone. The screen was a welcome distraction from the day. A swipe, a scroll, a tap. She knew that the respite wouldn't last long, so she took the time to enjoy it. Suddenly the phone rang, knocking her out of her day dream.

She spoke the pass word "Not today." She heard the click of the line on the other end and a mechanical voice say. "Accepted."

Post Stories by @jfolkmann

I deleted Blockfolio, helps a lot.

Not today... or Hot today?

Sleazy, I like it! ;)

Everything is crashing...Very scary indeed. Lets hope for the very best!

It will be ok!

They keep saying that but what if it isn't!?

"Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones."

Thich Nhat Hanh

good words to live by

Hope for the best @eveuncovered
These crypto will moon again
latin Dance?
Ooh i love latin Dance

It was so much fun, even though it was just the basics of Salsa :)

Its all fixable, except the mental health bit....look after that one by whatever means necessary ;)

I think they might have a pill for fixing my mental health, or was it "buy new shoes", I can't remember which works better..

Ooh I got that pill earlier, it came in liquid form though with the word vodka on the bottle. Seemed to do the job though.

Ohh I am intrigued! I have bottle(s) that say "Gin", you reckon they would do the trick?

That bottle is also my friend. My friends help with all my problems ;) I just edited an image with the help of my friend. Another reason I love Steemit is that I've no paying clients following me on here so I can upload it shortly and not care. I couldn't do that shit on Facebook Id have clients shitting themselves I edit their work while drinking... if only they knew half the time I'm only able to edit their pics because I'm drinking.

Isn't it a true mark of an artist to be a little alcoholic!? That is what I aspire to be! #lifegoals

Alcoholic is a strong word. I don't think I've earned that one yet, but one can always aspire.

I like how you captured your frustration in the photos. Just remember what Warren Buffet says, "be scared when others are greedy and greedy when others are scared", this is a great time to buy, if you can do so before the market recovers.

I am still curious to see whether or not the market will recover to what it was in early December.

It surely will recover, but will it be 8000$ per BTC? Or 12'000$ per BTC? Or even, as a ludicrous proposal, 50'000$ per BTC?

"HODL2018" is on, of course, but it's a hard decision if it's worth it to buy more.

of course it will recover, the question is how long it will take. I think this is just a very temporary dip, it seems to be caused by a memo on Friday and a Superbowl loss on Sunday, there is nothing real that happened that caused the markets to fall, a quick panic sell off in a hot market, I wouldn't be surprised if we recovered by Friday.

I know all this but it is still a bit unnerving :) and I did buy a little more ;)

I listen to a radio show from a financial advisor who is good and his suggestion is that you don't even look at your portfolio during these periods so you don't get upset.

in your all photography your boring style impressed me and you sharing a very nice post... best of luck...

I assume English is not your first language. For your information, "boring style" is not a nice thing to say and it does not describe this person's photos. You probably did not mean that :)

the last paragraph is the question I want to ask someone out there, then what I do and you in this time, I can not answer it, by looking at you I feel excited, you can make someone happy

This is a generic comment about how great your hair looks :)
Seriously speaking so far I have no crypto so I am not worried about it yet. But playing with my dog, eating sweets, watching basketball helps to keep my good mood.

You really have a thing for my hair :D

What, no cryptos? You are a rarity in here, and you must be sick of all the crypto talk :D

yes I do. In fact I am currently doing art project with your body and the photo I selected for outline won mostly due to hair:D

Take a step back....look to the future.....answers are never in the present. You will be fine if you want yourself to be.....take care :) Peace.

Sure the cryptos were on the quirkiest ride of the life time.espcially after China's stand on cryptos made it fall madly.
I think this time HODL is less important than HOPE for the investors.early investors still has it and keep on suggesting HODL.
I have strong feeling that china will change its stand in coming future,why because every time china banned a technology,they come up with their own in some time,like Facebook,YouTube.
Who knows in coming future china came with its own crypto currency.
So HOPE is the only option left.😊

You kinda always linger in the darkness. I hope you are going somewhere sunny and bright where the sun can lift your mood.

Haha, it's the Finnish in me that is drawn to the darkness ;) and yes, I'm going somewhere sunny!

Ha I guess you are used to it :D
But I have to wonder what you guys up north do about vitamin D deficiency. Lets see if you get a nice tan from your sunny trip.

I guess you can take some pills for it but it's not the same things as getting real sun.

It will never be the same as the real sun :P
What I want to know is what you people in the north do about it, as vitamin D depletion should be a bigger issue in your region. ( Feels like I am talking to someone from the House Stark - people from the north haha)

Good luck for your steam 😉

I am waiting for your support. For me last post 😊

Thank you so much. Good evening 😊

You are write

After the storm comes the calm and the sun shines ....

Those photos are amazing! As for the market and life, for me that goes hand in hand too. lol I just needed to step away from the charts and look at all the coins I can purchase at a lower rate, then, like you said, HODLHODLHDODL. :D

hear some girl photography...and its so amazing ....i like it...i hope everybody like your post...thanks for shear it..

Yep... Crypto keeps crashing like shit

@eveuncovered. I really felt bad with what happened to you today. ......
Just forget about this .... Get to some moment in your memory waiting for you to overcome the sadness.....

Btw u r so beautiful u just made my day. I wish i had a girlfriend beautiful like u.

different sharing nice

Crypto is taking money but no returns my screen is full of red

I enjoy herbal remedies in my free time. I also play way too many online games.

Quite a few people have suggested me the herbal stuff but so far I've stuck with just tea ;)

Yeah we all are disturb
But stay calm and steady
Everything is going to be fine soon very best wishes

I'm writing what comes on my mind which results growing in wisdom. Thanks for sharing! I feel you.

Yeah, its not easy, same problem here. I dont know you, but im newbie on trades and a little bit young in this steemit ocean, its hard to see sbd and steem falling down...
Hope this get better, for you and for me (and all crypto market). Hold is the word!
Greetings from Brasil. Follow you.

Indeed, everything seems to be on the crash path. I think there is need for a Crash Investigation Bureau. Ha ha ha !!!

HODL!!! And if you have the money buy more, it's normal from January until may for the crypto market to go down, this pattern has happened many times, ofc someday that pattern will be over, but I don't think it's this year, cryptos are just a toddler at best

Ain't nobody got time for that! ;D

great post, thank you for sharing.
remember that we're not doing it for the money! :)

BULL-SHIT! I never believe anyone who says they are not in it for the money.

What do I do to keep calm? I'm writing articles like this one :P

I know, it's shameless self-promotion, but I couldn't withstand the temptation.
Just stay calm and don't panic. Try to sever the emotional connection between your invested money and yourself. That makes it way easier.

You got me at a good mood so I checked your article and even gave a little upvote :)

That is very much appreciated. Thanks a lot! :)

Don't worry about things you can't change.

I just keep calm, and wait for better days ahead

"Forcing creativity just feels wrong and I think it shows in the final image, and I like to be real."

I couldn't agree more. I don't write when I feel shitty.

Well, chill. Be patient. Have faith. Believe in nothing but yourself.

You still look gorgeous anyway.

I actually like using different emotions, but when you just feel BLAAAAH then I'm not doing anything creative.

And thank you :)

Saya sangat takjut mendengar pembahasan anda ,anda sosok orang yang sangat propis.onal dalam berpikir dan mengambil keputusa

En tiiä, mutta uskoisin että en menetä ihan hirveästi vaikken käyttäiskään google kääntäjää sen avaamiseks. Otan riskin.

Aww, hang in there, cute one :P

I'll hang in Hellsinki soon ;)

Aika hurjaa :P Ehkä se uskaltaa kertoa millon ja ehkä missä kans :D

Great post. Yeah, we're all feeling the heat right now, that's for sure!

I think it's like you say: this is good in the long run. Not just for emotional control training, but because this sink will probably cull a lot of junk crypto from the heard.

Investors will be much more incentivized to invest in the good cryptos that are left once the clouds clear.

First I was angry, then I was sad, now I just worry about it. But we need to be positive.
But I totally understand you @eveuncovered 👍👊😉

It is a bit stressing. Since I decided to use crypto to fund our conservation program in Cameroon partially with crypto I am always wondering how these events on market affect our activities. It is still ok so far. Steem and other cryptos actually already seriously helped us to achieve some goals.
Do not be stressed, prepare for the coming enjoyment!
Wish you great day.
coordinator of @kedjom-keku NGO and funds raising bot @treeplanter

When crypto goes like it is, I just pick up a new hobby. The coins will be there when I return, I hope. Last time I did the same, BTC-e and Cryptsy disappeared taking 90% of my holdings with them. Hopefully, Binance will hang around for me.

I made a great move and got out when price was >18,500. While everyone is panicking I am laid back and enjoying my wins. When the price is finished falling (according to my gut instinct) I will buy back at the dip and ride this train again

What do you do to keep yourself calm in the turbulent crypto waters?

Looking at your photos. It makes me forget completely about the crypto market :))

But I guess that won't work for you too, isn't it?

Even I'm not that narcissistic ;) but I'm glad it works for you :D

You are amazing, congrats! Since you are free and not working anymore, I can see that your comment section has became more crowded, congrats!

The comment section is my job now! xD

The tech underpinning the cryptosphere is too strong to be kept down for very long!

This dip is the result of a number of reasons too long to go into here, but strong hands will be rewarded in the nearish future when the market rebounds.

If you have any coins you want to stack, consider it as buying opportunity (just don't blow all your fiat in one go things could still get lower!)

Forget prices for a while, the tech marches on regardless. While it does, take a breath of fresh clean air and remember that life is pretty damn good ;)

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