Down the Rabbit Hole so deep, I popped out the other side and I’m never coming back!

in #life7 years ago

I’ve never been a big fan of taking advice. Not sure if I was just born with an innate, unrelenting determination to figure things out for myself or maybe I just discovered early on that most people are full of shit. Either way, from as young as I can remember, I was determined to figure things out for myself.

And like most teenagers, by the time I turned eighteen, I honestly believed I had pretty much figured everything out. I thought I knew the rules to the game, how to play and how to get what I wanted from life.

I knew my beliefs were the “Truth” because when I looked out into the world, everything I saw confirmed my beliefs. What more proof did I need that my beliefs were “true” and others were wrong?

Skip ahead seven years and a lot of my beliefs, likes and interests had changed. I realized I might have been a little naïve when I was eighteen, but now after six years of college, my understanding of the world had expanded exponentially. And at twenty-five, I took great pride in my rational, logical educated view of the world.

Now, I knew for a fact my new beliefs were the “Truth” because when I looked out into the world, the world mirrored my beliefs. Which was all the proof I needed that my beliefs were right.

After graduating from college my grandma recommended I read a book she had just finished. Twenty pages into the book and I found myself questioning much of what I believed was true. I wondered how come I had never heard any of this information before? I mean after all I was well read and had two college degrees.

I felt like a kid again, filled with a burning desire to discover these hidden truths that had eluded me for the first twenty-five years of my life. This new passion to discover the truth led me into the world of “so called” conspiracy theories, which I soaked up like a sponge. I was awakening to the fact that there were layers upon layers of truth/bullshit to sift through with no apparent end in sight. Everywhere I looked was deception.

The deeper I descended down each rabbit hole the more I realized the beliefs that formed the foundation for all my other beliefs, were lies. How could everything I had been taught be bullshit?

I began to realize there was a different level of reality unfolding that was hidden from the masses. I started to understand just how controlled we were. From birth we had been systematically spoon fed fear-based beliefs and so-called “knowledge” that had only served to limit and box in our understanding of our reality.

By the time I was forty I had truly awakened to what was really going on on this planet. But I certainly didn’t feel empowered with this new understanding of the world. Actually I felt like a victim and powerless to the powers that be. My search for the truth had turned into a dark depressing bummer.

I envied the unbridled naivety I felt when I was younger. I now knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt we were not free. We were friggin slaves to the system. The system that produces mindless sheep believing, desiring and buying whatever we are told to.

I knew my new beliefs were the “Truth” because the chaos, greed, corruption and stupidity I saw everywhere, confirmed I was right. And anyone that saw things differently than I did, simply had not uncovered enough of the bullshit to see the real truth.

But what could I do. I couldn’t burry my head in the sand, step back into innocence and forget every uncomfortable truth I had learned.

What I didn’t realize at the time was I was not awakened and most certainly not enlightened. I was only half way down the rabbit hole, stuck wallowing in victimhood and feelings of powerlessness.

What was invisible to me was the next step. I couldn’t see how close I was to discovering the hidden knowledge I had always been seeking. All I could see were the lies.

Then at forty I discovered a new rabbit hole that was about to free me from the only reality that I believed existed. I was familiar with concepts of energy, frequencies and vibration from geniuses like Einstein and Nikola Tesla but these concepts were extremely abstract. I mean what the fuck does “the secrets of the universe can be found in energy, frequencies, and vibration” even mean?

But my instinct told me to let go of the firm grip I had on the 3D reality and dive head first down this new quantum rabbit hole I had discovered, trusting my instinct was correct.

What happened next was beyond my wildest imagination.

My descent down the rabbit hole increased to such a rapid pace I ended up shooting through the rabbit hole and out the other side, with zero desire to ever come back to the so called “Real World”.

Now at fifty my life is magical. More exciting and creative than any science fiction movie I have ever seen. I remember who I am and why I am here. I know everything is connected, everything is one and that everything is unfolding perfectly and right on time. I remember now how powerful we truly are and why this knowledge has been kept from us. The powers that were no longer have any control over me. I have become untouchable to them.

Something incredible is happening on this planet. We are on the cusp of an evolutionary leap forward in our consciousness that that when realized will be beyond our wildest dreams.

I made a video describing part of my awakening. I hope you enjoy it! - automatic!


Everyday Masters


Very nice post! I'm also so excited with the changes that are taking place, it really gives one hope. It's also awesome to see and hear that more and more people are turning back to spirituality and really trying to understand this universe we are living in.

Maybe Steemit is finally a place to meet like minded individuals :-)

Loved your post! And like you, I keep Spiritually unfolding as I get older, too.

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Thank you bottymcbotface :)

Welcome here Everydaymasters !! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me!

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Welcome to Steemit @everydaymasters if you want an awakening you have come to the right place! I look forward to your magical life experiences and the insight you have gained over a lifetime.

Thanks azfix! Glad to be here :)

Great Post, I resonate with a lot :) I love that Documentation called How far the rabbit hole are you willing to go. Watched it three times! I think you would love it. Other interesting videos I watch or listen to on youtube are abraham hicks, matt kahn and infinite waters! Greetings and i will follow!

Thank you Cynbethia. Following back :)

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