My Creative Weekend

in #life2 years ago

Over this past week and into the weekend, I've noticed something's different. You see normally when I haven't written for awhile due to other obligations, I tend to have to search for ideas on what to blog about. I have a folder on my laptop of half-finished posts and titles to be fleshed out into complete articles. Sometimes when I'm rooting around in there I'll be inspired to come up with a good subject to write about.

But sitting here on this quiet weekend morning, I realize that I've been on a creative run this past week, and even managed to publish an article about security clearance jobs of over 1K words. It wasn't stressful or a grind at all, in fact it was almost soothing to cobble together while putting the final touches on it.

Having just produced my last post almost 24 hours ago, I'm ready with another, which has not been the way things usually worked. Maybe it's the relief of not having to deal with coursework at school after earning a 4.0 GPA in three spring courses. It was hard work having to be "on" all of the time, but the results were worth it.

This is not a "normal" weekend

Normally my weekends would be full of studying and reading dense texts, while hammering out long essays and research papers in need of constant rewrites. The release from those scholarly chains seems to have fueled a burst of creativity that I've never quite experienced before.

So you'd better believe I'm making full use of this belle epoque before the boom comes down for the summer courses. The one good thing is that I won't have as many classes as in spring, so I may be able to contribute more often.

I've also been getting out more in places of nature, which provides its own natural recharge. We have a quiet park next to the river near the campus where I can sit down and just enjoy the sounds of the waters and the wind rustling through the trees.

I think I'll hold off and publish this later on today so I can engage more with the community while I have the time. We can learn so much by participating in the give and take with others out there. I know a little bit about a lot of things, and we are all a resource for some kind of information for each other. Lets learn and grow together.

To those of you out there that are new to blogging and Hive, it does get easier the more you write. Don't worry about making mistakes, just begin with getting something down. This post will be spellchecked (and I still miss things), tweaked, and finally a once-over for readability before I hit the "publish" button. Sending a post out into the ether is like having a child and seeing it enter and interact with the world. And wouldn't you know it, right on time, I've got an idea for my next post! Ain't life grand?

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Please check out my recent posts:

Image Credit: 1, 2, 3


I am so proud of that GPA of yours. Congratulations on putting in the effort to get it. You are awesome.

Glad to see that you are able to write more as you now have more time on your hands. I hope the summer wouldn't be too stressful so you can contribute more often too.

I am excitedly waiting for newer posts and writings. Keep it coming. Cheers.

It was a lot of work, but will really help me down the line. I don't usually post on this account very much, but needed to move a post from my main account and so here it is.

I took a look over at your blog, and you seem to be able to publish high-quality posts on a daily basis, so give yourself a pat on the back! My summer classes start soon, so I'm taking advantage of this window to write as much as I can! :)

It was a lot of work, but will really help me down the line.

I completely agree.

. I don't usually post on this account very much, but needed to move a post from my main account and so here it is.

Oh. You have another account? 😳. Most times I wonder how those who have more than one account manage them 🥺

I took a look over at your blog, and you seem to be able to publish high-quality posts on a daily basis, so give yourself a pat on the

Oh. Thanks alot for visiting. I'll try my best to keep it up. Thanks again. 💚💚

My summer classes start soon, so I'm taking advantage of this window to write as much as I can! :)

It's a great goal in my opinion. I know you'll do just fine. More strength to you. ✌️✌️

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