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RE: Is The Bible Fake News? Why It's So Difficult For Me To Ascribe To Religious Doctrines - DISCUSSION

in #life8 years ago

I am familiar with Findhorn--but only through books. I went to Scotland, and though was intrigued, I never made it there.

I wouldn't believe most of what is shared through media or sources that are looking from the outside in. The City of Arlington raided us, hoping we were a drug cartel, and of course spread all kinds of fear and untruths about us. No one actually asked us to debunk any of their fears of this uncommon (in the states) lifestyle. I give little credence to other people's opinions based on fear and limited perspective. (Of course the City acted dishonorably and all of their claims unfounded.)

I had grown too disgusted with the system and felt the need for an escape.

It is my observation that people who come to the @gardenofeden to escape never really make it here. Those who make it are those who are coming toward something that inspires them, rather than running away from something -- which ultimately is only running away from the self. It is easy to see how and why people become disillusioned with the way things are. Now all they need is to reinvent their dream and move in that direction. Grateful to be part of one such example/solution.

Standing together for values makes us energetically strong in numbers. Grateful for your comment and excitement to touch the touchy subjects!


It is my observation that people who come to the @gardenofeden to escape never really make it here. Those who make it are those who are coming toward something that inspires them, rather than running away from something.

I understand this perspective, though I don't think it is applicable in my case. Yes, I wanted to escape the system. But, I already knew what I wanted before I found out about eco-villages.

I wanted a place where the predominant sentiment is not to consume, consume, consume. A place where I could put in work, not to make some corporations and bankers even wealthier, but so that I and those around me could benefit. I hoped to find somewhere were unity is the priority, rather than the survival-of-the-fittest attitude that is so ripe within the culture of today.

I hadn't the slightest inclination that their were communities outside of the system that were embodying these characteristics until someone who knew me very well suggested that it may be something that would be great for me.

Alas, I obviously didn't go though with, and now I find myself on a different path. But it is an option that I keep open for the future even though I am no longer feeling the need to escape.

I feel you!

I wanted a place where the predominant sentiment is not to consume, consume, consume. A place where I could put in work, not to make some corporations and bankers even wealthier, but so that I and those around me could benefit. I hoped to find somewhere were unity is the priority, rather than the survival-of-the-fittest attitude that is so ripe within the culture of today.

When love and passion become the focus, not money and control, things will certainly shift. I feel community is the wave of the future. Instead of struggling alone to get by, we are helping each other thrive. A waaay more sustainable option.

There's a time for everything. Grateful to be here with you now.