Decisions! Trying to Make Things Happen or Embracing Faith in the Process

in #life7 years ago

There are so many decisions to be made everyday.

The choices we make will change the course of our lives forever.  Even the smallest of decisions may turn out to be the most impactful choices we ever make.

It can be easy to get caught up in the decision making process, especially when we are feeling under pressure to move forward.  Sometimes we feel we must at least try something....try to make things happen...try to weigh all our options....try to get things done.

 Trying, trying, trying!   

A quick google search defines trying like this:  try·ing ˈtrīiNG/ adjective 

difficult or annoying; hard to endure.
"it had been a very trying day"
stressful, taxing, demanding, difficult, tough, hard, pressured, frustrating, fraught; arduous, grueling, tiring, exhausting; 
"a trying day"

annoying, irritating, exasperating, maddening, infuriating;
tiresome, irksome, troublesome, bothersome, vexing;
"Steve was very trying"

I find that "trying" is based on lack of clarity.  Trying is simply attempting, while leaving room for the possibility that we will fail.  Spinning our wheels to try to make something happen can be a huge waste of time, as things can be "hard" when undertaking forward motion while still muddled with doubt.  Our actions will likely not be fruitful until we are clear on what we truly want. 

For me, even when I feel I am clear on what I want, I sometimes think I know how to make it happen, and what steps to take.  I then do well to remember not to get attached or have expectations.  I know that in the light of infinite perspective, I may be limiting myself by merely trying to make things happen in the way I want them to, when truly, ANYTHING could happen, perhaps even in ways I could have never imagined.

I have never been the best decision maker, a deficit I have carried on from my childhood.  But I am getting better at it, as I strengthen my intuition.  I have huge faith that the Universe will provide.  And as I stand in that faith and remember what is important to me, synchronicity seems to deliver opportunities right to my front door.  I get surprises that seem to appear out of the blue: an important phone call, a chance meeting, a mention from a stranger....  As long as I'm paying attention to the little things that come into my awareness, I follow the leads and the decision can almost make itself.

When my decision making seems to have failed me and things are happening that I don't want to happen, I remind myself to embrace everything, regardless of what it looks like from my limited perspective.   I don't ever really know how things will turn out, so I sit in remembrance that it is all part of the process. Adversity will likely make me stronger, and give me the opportunity to return again to faith.

My most recent and frequent mantra and reminder that all is perfect, right now:



Very motivational, Thanks for sharing :)
upvoted and followed,
have a good day

Thank you for showing up here @luke1219, for the upvote and follow. I'm grateful to be sharing something of value with you. My day is awesome--hope yours is too.


We must be able to make the best decisions. Great post motivation and thanks :-)

Decisions based on clarity! Thanks for tuning in and for your comment @rizasukma.

You are @everlove a great writer, I admire him

Awe....I truly appreciate your reply. Thanks for the blessing.

This helped me today thank you @everlove Love you sister

Awe---I'm so glad to connect with you @amymarie. What a blessing we are to each other. Love you dearly.

This message is great! A lot of times we can get overwhelmed with everything going on in our life. But we have to remember, everything won't always work out, but it's keeping that positive attitude and optimism that will get us through it. Embracing what is happening and making the most out of it. Learning from it. Using it to make us stronger. There's a quote that I love that explains this perfectly. "Fall down seven times, get up eight." No matter how many times we fail, as long as we get back up, we never lose :)

AWESOME comment @crytodata. I am with you on all of that!! I feel it's great for us all to have a reminder once in awhile. I'm grateful for each other!

english version below

J'ai heureusement pu lire ton post grâce à @fun-along-theway. Dans ton post, les mots et les idées coulent doucement en moi et font résonner tout un tas de pensées, de souvenirs et de défis actuels. Je me reconnaît dans tes paroles. Mon père dit toujours que les synchronicités et la chance ne sont que la rencontre d'une opportunité et d'une décision. Qu'il faut connaître nos besoin réel, nos valeurs, nos rêves mais qu'il ne faut jamais faire de suppositions sur la façon dont ils se manifesteront dans nos vies. Nous comprendrons en temps et lieu, rien n'arrive pour rien. Merci pour ce beau partage. Tu as été entendu! <3

Thankfully, I was able to read your post thanks to @fun-along-theway. In your post, words and ideas flow gently through me and make a whole bunch of thoughts, memories and challenges resonate in me. I recognize myself in your words. My father always says that synchronicity and luck are only the encounter of an opportunity and a decision. That we need to know our real needs, our values, our dreams but that we must never make assumptions about how they will manifest themselves in our lives. We will understand in time and place, nothing happens for nothing. Thank you for this beautiful sharing. You have been heard! <3

Oooohhhhh...I love your comment @nature.sauvage. Your father is a wise man and I agree with what he shares. You are both blessed to have each other to share such great introspection and to toss around these important matters. Thank you @fun-along-theway for connecting me with @nature.sauvage. It seems we have much to share. Blessings to you @nature-sauvage.

Blessings to you too!

I think its hard to make a fast and correct decision, well I myself isn't that good. Especially when it comes to important matter, I always tend to hesitate. Do you have any advice?

Sometimes I've made a list of the pros and cons. That list to include not only the logical things, but the things that I'm actually feeling. I mostly care about how I feel about the way things turn out, so taking into high consideration my feelings about it helps me see what would be in my best interest. I like to meditate if I'm confused, and give myself a chance to feel out the situation, and don't make decisions until I am clear. If I have to make a fast decision, I often go with whatever my first inclination is. Sometimes over thinking things can add more layers of confusion.

I'm grateful to exchange with you @mintsauce. Great screen name. Would love you to comment on my screen name post and let us know how you picked such a name. Blessings to you.

It's all about just always improving, can't be perfect, but got to try to be better. Cheers

Great screen name!!! Thanks for your comment. As long as we are improving our lives get better and better. If we're not improving then it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate. Blessings on the way!


There you go!!! Seems like you got this down @3gregorian. Tuning into possibilities. Awesome!

I live a life of Blessing, I know it, I feel it, I am it and I am bringing that life to Steemit. Or did Steemit appear because of the Blessed energy. HMMM! I think it goes all ways! ;) Love you posts everlove, follow for life.

Aha @egregorian. I see we speak the same language!! Steemit was made for us to spread the light, so that's what we'll do. Such grateful perfection in doing it together. Grateful to connect with the blessing that is you.

SISTER! Let us share that undying sacred light, that burning flame as bright as ever, then breathe. The breath of us all is a shared breath, every coalescing more love. @everlove. Bless you.

That's what we are here for--Steemit and on this planet earth. This is the perfect platform to reunite us with our people. I went to Steemfest last year and I can tell you that there is no doubt of the extraordinary gift that Steemit is, and the people are definitely family. Was more incredible than I could have ever imagined--still reeling in the sweetness and gearing up for another opportunity to connect at Steemfest2. This is no coincidence and we shall use it to our greatest loving advantage. Taking this breath with you @egregorian.


Wonder-ful that you're here @tommyinthesun. Wonderful screen name too!

One should be a good decision maker. Thanks for a nice article.

Making decisions from the time we are young really helps. Life is much easier when we can make the choices that benefit us. Thanks for showing up here @shirish5.

The intuition aspect of life is often hugely underrated--I believe it's one of of the most valuable go-tos we have! As a writer and singer, I have to believe in inspiration as a piece of my "puzzle."

It is hugely underrated. When are we, as children or adults, encouraged to tune into our gut feeling or the little messages that come to us along the way? More likely we are shown to trust science and ways that have already been proven. Most of us artistic types have found the intuition and inspiration within, and developed it to utilize in our expression of creation. I'm grateful to have that a part of my reality, as I'm sure you are. Life is much richer when we are tuned in. Thanks for your comment @kayclarity.

It makes an incredible difference. You are welcome! Can't remember - did I mention I'm a singer-songwriter?

You didn't mention it, but now that you did I'm ready for a taste of that!

You can join our Collaborative Art Journey and give us some sound inspired by my image. Here's a hopefuly accepted invitation:

Cool idea! The next stretch is really busy (working and travelling!), but hopefully I get a chance to spend some time with it.

Thanks for being willing to check it out :).

Whenever you join us the timing will be perfect!!!

Decisions making is always hard to me. I will be easily confused if I choose on the right track....thanks for motivation...

Most of us have learned to make decisions based on fact, and sometimes there just isn't enough fact to make a sound decision. So tuning in to what our gut tells us makes the process much more simple. How does this feel? Following our true desires is not always easy, as sometimes the facts or logic would show us something else. But in the long run I have found that following my gut or my heart turns out to be of the most benefit.

Thanks for sharing with me. I'm grateful that you're here @kitcat!

"Embrace everything." A huge statement that should be on a t-shirt!
It is a lot less stressful to handle life as it comes to us, rather than trying in vain to make it turn out differently. Fighting the tide is futile. Ride it and embrace it. :)

Great response @uglysweater. It's so much effort to resist and control. Embracing everything actually feels comforting.

I have never met a woman like you @everlove . You have taught me so much. I love you moma Shellie!

Awe!!! What a beautiful life we shared. Truly blessed by your acknowledgement. I love you too @apollomission!

Sweet music to my ears!

Thanks for sharing, @everlove! Upvoted and resteemed.

Adversity makes us stronger indeed, even though it's often no fun when we're in the middle of it. But we have to go through it. Embracing the good stuff is easy. Learning to also embrace the challenges is, well, more challenging. But those are also the experiences that allow us to really grow!

That's what I tell myself when I'm faced with challenges: I'll come out a better man.

Liked your post, I'm still new myself. Checking out some of the great content here on Steemit. Looking forward to interacting and posting a lot of cool, valuable stuff here!

I will be posting my 'IntroduceYourself' post shortly. Just waiting for a vid I'm having made for it, I want to do it well (I'm excited!)

Aho! With all the adversity we could be very powerful people!

Welcome to Steemit. I'm sure you will find great value here. Blessings on your IntroduceYourself post. May Steemit be ready for what you have to offer.

Thank you!

When I look back at my life I see that even the bad decisions worked out for the greater good. It's part of the ebb and flow of life. Lessons are around every corner, regardless of the right-ness or wrong-ness of the decisions we make.

Follow your joy. Your heart won't lead you astray. And know there is a divine force working behind the scenes on your behalf.

Much love.

Indeed @stehllaxo. Embracing Everything! Having faith in the divine plan!
Right and wrong are all a matter of perspective anyway, so just being present with what is is of great value. The heart knows the answers. Well-said!

What a great read! Thanks for sharing this. It is exactly the kind of motivation I needed. I've been feeling very "stuck" and attached to certain outcomes that I haven't been paying attention to the guidance the universe was sending me. Looking back on it now, the signs were quite obviously surrounding me. 🙏🏻

You are indeed welcome @claudialynn. That's what we do for each other! Hind sight is often better than foresight. Now if we can just learn from these opportunities to be aware, the unclarity will not have bee in vain. Being "stuck", attachment and expectation often run in the same circles! There feels to be a very fine balance between knowing what you want and not holding on to the form by which it comes, or how it will look when it gets here. Embrace everything!!! Much love to you! <3