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RE: Should the United States Ban Guns?

in #life8 years ago

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
No ARM should be banned, or even regulated.


Yes I understand where you are coming from. I would like to have the option here in England too but I think most people think I am crazy! The thing is over here the criminals can still get guns. We regular people can't and I don't care if you are Chuck Norris himself no amount of Kung Fu is going to help in that situation you need a gun yourself.

I think as long as people are properly vetted for mental illness/crime it should not be a problem.

Did you see the video? See what you think of this young guys approach - I think he would be great to get on here.

nope, didn't see the video. I might get around to it.
The way I see it, individual people CAN be sane. Beyond a certain number, about two hundred, any group is NOT. So how can the sane be 'vetted' and 'licensed' by the insane?
Furthermore..only those wishing to do you harm would want you to be unable to protect yourself.