living in a mobile home in a hurricane is suicide.
I can't imagine why you are still there.
My advice to you is take a sharpie and write your name and SSAN on your arm
that'll make it easier to identify the body.
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I actually laughed out loud @everittdmickey. I really love how to-the-point you are. It will be a fekkin' miracle if these trailers survive the impending winds. I'll be grabbing my neighbors and heading to the shelter if it gets to that point. I'll keep the sharpie idea in mind.
have you ever tried to run in fifty mph winds?
Irma has 200mph winds.
full of flying debris.
That is exactly what they are telling to people along the coast down here who are refusing the evac orders to do. Name, SSN, phone # to contact on your arm with a sharpie.
My understanding is that when a mandatory evacuation order is given.
If you stay you're own your own.
Don't expect to be rescued.
You're just exactly where you want to be...enjoy it while you're alive.
If we get evacuation orders my ass is gone. I'm not going to be one of those people who didn't listen to a mandatory order and put other people's lives at risk.
I was a trucker.
I helped with the aftermath of Katrina and half a dozen other hurricanes.
After what I saw during those years I'd be high tailing it for the high ground way ahead of any mandatory evacuation odur. fact.
I was in dallas when they had a F5 tornado rip thru. I saw a video of it tossing semitrucks around like kids playtoys.
That was a MONSTER F5 (windspeeds of over 200 mph)
Irma has windspeeds of over 200mph.
Irma is a tornado the size of Ohio...
Just so ya know.
If you are in Florida that might have happened...
We got the mandatory evacuation notice because we live in a tin can. So we're off to a friend's block house to hunker down. I'm sure we'll have to deal with some sort of flooding but we're high enough that storm surge isn't an issue.
if you live on the east coast it looks like you're catching a break.
the west about to get fornicated.
I'm thinking they could be in the middle of it about now.
Thinking of you and wishing you well @merej99