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RE: Getting older- How I really feel

in #life8 years ago

I'll be 66 in January.
I'm have problems also (diabetes, obesity, can't see or hear so well any more, aches and pains, sleep apnea,...etc...etc..)
Old Age isn't for sisssies is it?

Don't let it get you down.
The alternative is worse.

Full Steem ahead.


Your so right, old age is no fun. Oce upon a time I was fit now everything is wrong with me

exercise and a plain old food diet will get you healthier than every government licenced pharmaceutical drug pushing doctor around, (not that it is any of my business); just my opinion and belief system . . .
[no offense intended]

They say it takes about ten years to get used to how old you are.

Old age is not for sissies. — Jimmy Stewart

When I bend over to tie my shoe laces, I look around to see if there is anything else to do while I'm down there. — George Burns

Good to see you again Crok.

Yeah the man lived to one hundred munching on cigars : )
That is the trouble with the modern world, all the greatest people are leaving and we tend to trend upwards in the percentages of merely 'human' after the passing of "people".
I love older people the youth of today are such drama queens.
And I would hate to be trying to work out lifes direction on how to live my one life in todays "no rules" society...
I was 45 when I finally started to grow up and I was well over 50 before I had matured into a semi useful person.
However I am not complaining, life is for living and my glass is always half full and never empty...

Right now my glass is over half full.

Life is for living and what you make of it; the best thing most people could do is work on being a better person and improving the human race...