As a health care provider, in a pediatric ER, I'm facing a lot of parents coming in demanding tamiflu for flu-like symptoms, with or without a positive flu test. They keep hearing the news talk about kids dying from flu, and missing the point that most of those deaths are high risk or chronic kids with complicated medical histories, or stubborn kids who weren't hydrating and parents weren't pushing hard enough to keep them hydrated.
I try to explain side effects and risk v benefit, but it's hard going up against the stories reported on the news and shared endlessly on social media. Now instead of demanding antibiotics for viral infections, it's all tamiflu. I wonder what their profits are this flu season 😒
wow, that is a sad condition of people. We have a super conservative pediatrician and she says most parents are like that. They all want antibiotics, drugs, and whatever else and it matters not if it really helps them.