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RE: The Stray Dog Motorcycle Mishap: Injured Due to Some Annoying Dogs

in #life7 years ago

trip! i mean, with people... i can at least wrap my head around the learned hatred and undisturbed ignorance... but for an animal to behave that way... it's kinda sad that i've come to expect more egalitarian behavior from THEM, then i do two-leggeds... and usually, you CAN count on it to be that way, lol they usually sense your VIBE (which is truly how i want to be seen/sensed, anyway), not your portfolio or ancestry.@lily-da-vine: i have encountered racist dogs before, and it is a

just like Smoky may have had a memory of bad treatment from a black person, these ruffians on your hill might have a memory of bad treatment from a gringo? though that seems unlikely as you guys are pretty much the first to reside there.

you're so cute, to have apologized for your country dog :-)


Yeah I know dogs tend to freak out on about anything that comes their way out of the routine. I've seen dogs that couldn't be around kids for that reason. It's "you're dark/light/tiny/huge/male/female and I think that's weird" lol.

As for our hill, we're the first gringos to come. Our neighbors if anything have the impression that we sleep all day and do nothing based off my skin color and eye color but I can't blame them LOL. So I just do by best to break the norm.

As for smokey, It makes a difference when the owner recognizes the issue and makes up for it lol. She had no clue she was being racist XD