You know, there's an old saying in the US, "the one who smelt it, dealt it.". : ) I think these co-workers might be transferring their insecurities about their own drinking onto you. If they put someone else under the spotlight then they don't have to think about their own habits. They always say if you worry that you might have a drinking problem then there's a good chance you probably do. I have one glass of wine or beer every night (at home usually) and have for thirty years. In moderation I think it actually might keep you above ground for a few more years.
I totally agree, on the projection of the others and on the moderation! We dont often drink during the week but do enjoy a few of something or other at the weekend. I feel pretty good for it. Its major relaxing.
We have the same saying over here. I suspect it was probably copied. It was always the cry in School. As soon as someone mentioned something whiffy... boom! He who smelt it... dealt it! :OD
I definitely wouldn't worry about it if I were you. Lol, flatulence is the universal language and crosses all cultural boundaries.
I only had a little giggle. It was a microsecond!
Flatulence is the great leveler 😀