I am very well, thank you. As you might have read over the passed many posts, the last three months have been insanely busy and feel like I am chasing my tail kindda thing...
Hum... I'm not sure I follow you on this one? Did I miss something or is this comment really directed to me? You certainly haven't fallen out of grace from me as you do deserve solid upvotes, when I see the articles. I have spent more time writing than reading lately and am missing out on many people articles these days. I guess the creative juices are taking me over for the moment. As you can surely understand, if I did miss out on your posts, it has nothing to do with you, but all of it with me. No worries!To make sure I see your articles, I am now following you officially. That'll increase the odds on our side, now that I don't use auto-voting anymore... ;)
Namaste :)