How often have you been moved by the sight of a new design, symbol, painting or pattern? How often have come to the realization that hidden behind what you first thought was the message a much deeper meaning rose to the surface? How often do you apply that conscious understanding to the reality experienced on your every day life or in your dreams?
Do you remember your dreams? Have you yet started to gather them under categories in order to learn from or study them? Dreams, as surreal as they might be, hold keys to the core of your mind’s inner workings and the potentials for your wilful consciousness to embrace its realms.
Sorting Out and Categorizing Dreams
Now that you have gathered a considerable amount of "data" in the form of dreams, have you started finding correlatives between them? Maybe a group of people around the same kind of settings or a specific location around which a whole bunch of oneiric adventures take place? What about the main theme of the dreams you have had over the past few days, are they all around the same kind of fears, social situations making you anxious or a societal state that raise anxiety within your soul?
Because the act of finding meaning is subjective, depending on the logic you apply to categorize the dreams and information you are experiencing in your dreams, there are an infinite amount of possibilities as to how to categorize them. As everything is relative to everything else, the nature of the relationships you are connecting the dreams with can vary and will vary. Consciousness is an ocean where all is in interconnectivity. While the ocean also lives holographically within each of its droplet, each of its molecules, all of time exists within all possibilities of time itself. This means that both the future and the past exist now, all the time, at every single moment, all of forevers are present now. Since the space-time continuum is one, should we infer that all spaces themselves are also one within all possibilities of space? I think we logically have to. From here, the question is, where can we access this potential?
As I started this series, I gave you the key to this answer, hinted by our most famous modern scientist, Einstein, I underlined how imagination has potentials far exceeding what rationality can envision.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
(By Albert Einstein)
Remember these opening words from the first article: “When creativity arise, time goes out the window and magmatic overflows submerges the mystified conscious mind…” It has always surprised me to come to the realization that creativity, whether it is within ourselves individually or groups of all sizes including the entire humanity, has an enormous potential of power. Its role as an agent of change in the stream of our history can’t be underestimated. To borrow thoughts inspired by the Mayans, we have entered an era of human history where time is becoming impregnated with artistic vision, soaked with dreams exceeding all expectations.
Since consciousness lives as oneness, what makes us see things as different from one another in dreams or in our daily lives? It is our choices, more often based on our 5 senses, supported by our act of “analyzing”, when we choose to compare one thing as being different from another. The word “analysis” means *to dissect, take to pieces”, in other words “to cut away from a whole”.
Many asked me, “What does Lucid Dreaming do for you, what is its purpose?”. Waking up to new perceptions gives you keys allowing you to measure and evaluate the meanings of each codes and symbols found within your dreams.
(The Sri Yantra, acting on one hand as a very powerful and most advance piece of technology humans have created while being a symbol empowering all beyond their consciousness. Painting by: John Broadhead.)
By finding points of connection between dreams, you start to build up a "library" of connections, really worthwhile keeping close at hand for a closer look. Especially after a certain time has elapsed, it will allow you to have more perspective and a bit more of a detached point to consider them from. Though neutrality is impossible, your subjectivity has within its core the faculty of separating oneness into chunks more easily digestible rendering categorization a very powerful ally.
For instance, after reading one of our Steemians dreams, I couldn’t help but give them the category of “Relational Dreams” or “Social Dreams”, where the dreamer’s persona is seemingly reflecting, evaluating, and challenging the state of social interactions within societal contexts familiar to the dreamer’s every day life. These sort of dreams allow for one individual to reflect on the power of social interaction and how they behave within these circles. Yet, if one is lucid dreaming, one can practice while evaluating different possible ways of interacting within these realms. This allows for the dreamer’s persona to, at least, build self-confidence and, like a chess player, evaluate series of interactions and the worth of delving into them or not.
Studying the library compendium and opening doorways allows one to better understand consciousness journey through all potential forms of reality. Dissecting this reality into pieces disconnected from one another is also a powerful way by which we interact with reality, though we more often than otherwise forget that we do so, as long as we remember that we come from oneness.
To relate to @denmarkguy: “I started keeping a Dream Journal in the late 1980's as part of a series of psychotherapy sessions that helped me get in touch with "hidden" and suppressed feelings and memories. Once the therapy stopped, I kept going with the journal... And have kept it up, ever since. It offers an interesting record of recurring themes happening within specific contexts of what is going on in my life.”
What can be practice and achieved in dreams versus what is brought forth into our everyday reality becomes a very relevant question. This process of lucid dreaming has brought forth a tool to at least entertain oneself, as we would say in the culture I live in right now… Meanwhile, @denmarkguy seemed to have found a way to learn from them while making the study of dreams a very interesting exercise to go through.
The power to cut oneself from oneness comes with its pros and cons and is ultimately depending upon your will to do so or not. In what seems to be the mainstream culture of this world today, considering oneself detached from oneness is apparently the main philosophy and is strongly based on a materialist outlook of disconnected realities left afloat in an empty soup of void, not even dark matter or its energies…
(I the bright light of the pure awareness, all darkness subsides allowing for all forms to rise and shine. What is one to envision?)
Again, furthering this topic, @denmarkguy writes: “Of course, quite a few dreams also come across as pure science fiction... I have never quite been able to ascertain whether it's common to "dream yourself" onto other planets with other civilizations in other galaxies.”
Unless experienced and corroborated by someone else, eventually by as many as one can, how can one verify whether or not it is in deed pure fiction? My answer to his reply followed in this manner: “The so-called "pure fiction" dreams you are talking about are shared by many! (…) The infinite realms of consciousness have ramifications beyond any limits we can even imagine, as I underlined in the very first post relating to dreaming. Can you describe, draw and or paint the civilization you are experiencing in these dreams? If you can, it will reveal even more to you and others as it will also awake parts of you that are leaving some of the details aside when you write them back.” The act of remembering is in itself also an act of the imagination as it is largely a reconstruction of a vision or series of visions that we bring back to the surface of our consciousness. This also has the power to awake frequencies within your being that will allow doorways of perceptions to open and give you a wider access to your own experiences, both from the past as well as the ones lived right now and the ones to come in your every day life. The future and the past within the now are co-participants in the act of reality’s becoming.
Without necessarily finding legitimate corroborating experiences such as seeing the future or possibly reawakened far gone pasts, @gggreenhouse wrote: “I spoke in foreign languages during meditation. See accidents before they happen, meet with, and learn life lessons during lucid dreaming. It's just another virtual reality, with different rule sets, or constraints.”, legitimately, @livelifefullest asked: “Is a dream a second life? Is a dream the hidden reality ?”
To which I replied: As far as I have experienced so far, the constraints have been self-imposed, when they did occur. The doorways opening for us through the use of dream yoga, allows you to go far beyond the so-called dream and link what most would consider everyday reality with our nightlife dreamscapes as one uncut stream of consciousness. All of what we call the past and and future are but one in the eternity of consciousness. Therefore, there is no limitations as to whether or not one can see phenomena from the future or unlimited pasts either. This time application goes beyond time itself and starts to find ramifications within the space continuum as well, it is not as if time and space where apart from one another, right?!.
The doorways dreams open go ultimately beyond the virtual and are an amazing field of experience to practice for anything you'd like to become and accomplish within this level of reality as well…
(Even as we are living through our every day lives, what limits do we impose ourselves in the perspectives we chose to live by, to experience, to see the world as it is? Which perspectives do we dare to embrace and push away from ourselves? Is anyone legitimate to limit one’s mind to embrace all, the wonders of oneness in all its glories?)
Where are found limitations we find barriers created by our own mind and we have the power to dissolve them. Through dreams, one can practice going beyond the mundane and slowly learn the ways to get there within the plane of reality we live in right now and refer to as “every day life”.
A long time ago, for me, dreams allowed a parallel life to the one I had during the day and, therefore, could have been called a second life in those terms. Now though and after years of lucid dreaming practice exercises, I have came to realize that it is all one with the distinction of being in different density of consciousness, where the dream time is in a much lighter state and our every day life is a denser coarser aspect of life itself. The dream states realities relating more to a liquid river of water while our everyday life is more like a glacier, a frozen river of water. Like a person slowly swimming down after diving into a deep water hole where a small light is found at the bottom, the realities of this hole slowly come forth as one moves toward them. It is not hidden per se, but simply not yet seen as it is always and forever being there.
Now that some of you are already at this phase of lucid dreaming, after realizing that one is dreaming, you have became aware that you are actually dreaming. You are now ready to practice a few exercises to start challenging one on this path of opening doorways, I would suggest a few exercises I used to set for myself as I would move forward in my practice of what I can only call by now “Dream Yoga”.
Though the following exercises are presented in a purposeful sequence, putting emphasis on a progression preventing the build up of fears and anxieties of all sorts, it is not absolutely necessary to follow that order. But I would strongly suggest trying to do so even though some of us are stronger in some areas than others, maybe the fears have already been dealt with thus allowing one to move easily forward without having to follow this progression. I’ll leave it to your discretion. Nevertheless, the practice of these exercises from time to time allows one to stay strong in the realms of consciousness and are really worth revisiting. Just like practicing weight lifting, it makes us all stronger individually and as a whole, especially in times where we are spiritually, emotionally or even physically challenged. Lack of faith in oneself, negativity, hatred, fear or jealousy, diseases have a very strong tendency to weaken our ability to assert our spirit and wilfulness in a constructive and potent force within our dreams and on our everyday life. Having had practiced the following exercises and knowing that one can successfully overcome these challenges allows for our strengths to rise to the occasion, when occasions arise.
(A key symbol and powerful tool of visualization and meditation, the “Flower of Life” is at the heart of many technologies that have been developed over the centuries Reverberations of life beyond all realms perceptible or not are included in this ageless symbol. Painting by: Elspeth McLean.)
Dream Yogas
Here are some exercises to practice as well as some dream challenges for the ones who can already become fully aware in their dreams. For the others who have not yet developed the skills yet, there’s a journey to move toward. So, without further ado, the very first exercise is the one that allows you to reconnect with inner powers of your innate consciousness and an aspect of its own nature: Try flying!
At first a bit of a jump to suspend yourself in the air and slowly come back down to the ground. Then, make it a much bigger jump, while running might help even more as one starts to acquire speed, one also learn to deal with the feeling of acceleration which is the one that usually scares people as they reach terminal velocity or, later on, faster speeds… Forcing the matter by jumping off of a building or a bridge, a mountain or a flying plane might also do the trick, if your wilfulness is stronger than your fear of dying. If it isn’t the case, then you’ll simply wake up, probably in sweat or in a breathtaking bewilderment. So, before being able to jump off any heights, gradually set yourself for bigger and bigger jumps. Eventually, you’ll build up the inner certitude that you can do it and eventually start flying once and for all!
Once the law of gravity has been dealt with, let’s confront other ones. Lift objects of any sizes through the same progressive method idea I proposed earlier. Challenging materiality is a good one to tackle afterward. Use your will to walk through a window, then a wall, then a mountain, maybe the Earth, eventually. The idea of materialization is a strong contender in keeping us limited and confronting this idea allows you to free yourself considerably.
Thus, it is time to challenge time itself and reverse the dream backwards. From there, then, challenge the dream itself and change all the landscapes surrounding you. Turn different aspects of your dreams into different things. for example, if a lion is about to eat your had, turn it into a little dog licking your face or a car about to crush you against a concrete wall into a butterfly landing on you. Feel empowered already? Wait there’s more, much more to these illusions of grandeur, almightiness of will.
(Conquistadors dreams grow beyond measures to paradigms of semi-god… What’s its worth on the long run as none goes to their grave with a single piece of gold while recognitions of any kinds invariably fades away with the sands of histories? I would love to give credit to the painter of this magnificent piece, maybe @liondani or one of our acolyte who knows and can read the signature could help us retrieve the author of this painting?!.)
Now that space around you has been under your scrutiny, dissolved, reassembled and general law of physics turned upside down, it is time to question your own being in the dreams. Some people can see themselves, some can only see part of themselves and some simply don’t see themselves at all though they have the feeling of being “there” like a omnipresent narrator observer.
If you can see yourself on any levels, try to change its shape and even its nature. for instance, you can try making your hand be your face where you look out from. If this becomes easy, let’s try facing the unthinkable and see if under any material/physical circumstances, you could die in a dream. To force yourself to go underwater and live under there long enough for you to realize that you can’t die as the body you are inhabiting in the dream can’t die. Then, do the same with fire. go walk into a giant fire or, even better, a volcano! Not much to see, on some levels, there but the experience is definitely worth it.
Have you yet come to the realization that you can’t die in a dram yet? Not, convinced yet, let’s go out to space and combine the flying idea with the one of deathly cold in an environment where one shouldn’t theoretically survive without breathing. Ramp up as many factors and build them up against the so-called “self”, apparently immutable… On that path I am bringing you on, so far, you are turning into a semi-god as the world around you seems under your all mighty powerful will, right? now, ask yourself, do you control the speed at which the dreams are changing on you? Now, like a river, the dream keeps on changing beyond your immediate will. It is because the consciousness you are made of is itself bathing in an ocean of consciousness. Like a droplet of water isn’t much different from the ocean as a whole, the whole of the ocean pervades holographically all the processes of our apparently “own” consciousness.
If some parts of our dreams are complete fantasy, how do we make the difference? In other words, someone could ask where or when does reality become science fiction and vice versa? I can only ask, can we really legitimately do so?
One part of it that you can answer as being of a fictional nature is the one you created yourself through these exercises. Your own creations are issued out of your imagination and incommensurably coming from experiences you have had or imagined earlier. Yet, does it mean that dreams and the mundane are necessarily and completely separated from one another, like water from oil or, more potently put, like water from the sun??? Is there any crossovers between the two or none whatsoever? Could there be a river linking the lake of your wakefulness and the oceanic oneness of consciousness itself?
(Aim to notch the arrow of emptiness, with eagle’s eye decisively strike ultimate meaning… )
On the limits of realities one often finds key answers as to the nature of either part of an equation and in order to further our understanding of reality, dreams and consciousness, in our next article, we’ll be delving into the bordering regions of our dreams and sleep time where our consciousness apparently slips from one realm to the other. Maybe to awake to the fact that one reality isn’t separated from another, other than by our own choice to see it so.
Looking forward to reading your replies, comments and questions. As many have already done so, I have had the chance to answer the majority of them already but some have answers demanding a much deeper answer than what we have came to pass yet. One way or another, there’s an awful lot more coming our way as this series of articles unfolds and I want to thank you for your participation and patience in this process.
So, stay tuned for the next episode of “Lucid Dreaming”, a walk through the intermediary states leading from reality to dreams and from dreams to reality.
Yours was the first place I came the second I got onto Steemit. I remember you telling me you would be posting again.
I think I am ready to delve into this reality. It has entranced me for a very long time, however, I have lacked the discipline to let it happen. After reading your post this time, I am certain I would like to put in the concerted effort to begin lucid dreaming.
Have you watched Game of Thrones? If so, the one thing that has captured me the most would be the 3rd Eye Raven, wherein as the 3rd Eye Raven, you may travel and through space and time to visit events of the past to simply observe their happenings.
I am passionate about human interactions and observing them, especially in times of massive strife, for example, I woud very much like to observe the events and happenings surrounding WW2 and the holocaust as an unjudgemental observer. Will the sole intent of observing the happenings and perhaps gaining some knowledge or insight.
If that were possible in a lucid dream, I can already imagine the infinite amounts of instances all throughout reality that I would very much like to visit.
I have found myself to very much desire unbiasly observing a situation unfold.
I am of course, unsure of the limitations or possibilities within the ethereal dream realm, but reading your description of the awaitng experience, I very much would like to experience it myself.
What would you say, would be the absolute fundamental steps to beginning my path down this road?
God Speed Brethren.
If you follow the steps described in this process of "Lucid Dreaming", then practice where we're at in the series, "Dream Yogas", you'll open doors to possibilities well beyond what you described while making concrete steps toward realizing what you are asking for.
On this matter, I have always heeded to the saying "Be careful what you wish for..." as it contains more truth than most would dare to let rise to the surface of their consciousness, thus give it the credit it really deserves... The next article will be delving into examples of such matters as I shared them with other dreamers and experienced meditator and soul travellers.
I LOVE our conversations around this topic, it feels like a wealth to open to and delve into. Thank you for your presence of mind and for your sharing as well. Namaste :)
I am attempting to enter the dream realm tonight. Wish me luck.
I am entering through Wake Back To Sleep with my alarm going off at 5.30.
The funny thing is, I have had my alarm set at 6.30 every single day even though I never get up at that time, I have been doing that with to remind me to do affirmations when my mind is in a thetha state. So it is as if I have been priming for this without knowing it.
I will wake my mind up and let my body go back to sleep and hopefully be lucid.
If I am successful, I will begin with your dream yoga practice before delving into anything else.
Wish me luck, and we may soon meet.
In deed, best of luck to you on this journey using the alarm clock, @szuri uses a very similar technique, if I remember well, and is another avid dreamer moving through these realms. I have never used it myself, as I really don't want to be disturbed in the midst of my sleep, same goes for meditation, and would rather drinking an extra dose of water to propel the body into light sleep all the way to wakefulness. It is quick a process and, by the time you have had your pee, it is practice time! ;)
May the force stay with you, I really look forward to reading the results of your practice.
Namaste :)
Interesting! I will give that a shot as well. To report back, I put quite a bit of effort to hold conciousness as my body propelled back in a dream state, but was unsuccessful to awake amidst a dream as of yet.
A paradoxical situation happened where I was dreaming that myself and 2 others were in pursuit of lucid dreaming. Only upon waking did the irony occur to me that, that I was in pursuit of, I had arrived, I had simply had to realize it.
I will keep practicing and looking into achieving lucidity tonight.
The self-realization is on the rise as it has been triggered. You're closing in on becoming fully conscious within the dreams. this i so exciting to read, thanks for sharing!
Hey, did you know the 2 others on the same journey?
Namaste :)
Reporting back on day 2, no I did not, could not see their faces either, the only bonding factor between us was we were in pursuit of the same goal.
Today, alarm woke me up, I maintained conciousness till my body started to go back to sleep, began seeing interesting imagery, patterns and textures not borne of reality.
Got too intrigued by them, and like you said, once you stare directly at it disappeares much like you are supposed to only look at it through your 3rd eye as opposed to directly.
In doing so, I reawaken my concious mind too much and regained full conciousness. Still learning the ropes, but it seems day by day I am earning.
Thank you for the guidance!
Also, I have just released this week's post ;)
I will take the steps towards achieving lucid dreams.
Alas, I define myself as a seeker of truth, regardless of how ugly it may be. For it is the truth. A painful truth may hurt, a convenient lie will kill.
I look forward to it.
It is my privelege to be able to converse with you on the matter and I applaud you for your openess on the matter, it seems to me like the fact that it may seem absurd to others does not affect you in the slightest, which I respect, for the ones that do not find it absurd, rather, find profound value in your words.
God Speed Brethren.
May I also point you to another author who you may be of interest :
I already upvoted that specific article, it was excellent! Thanks for sharing, namaste :)
The dream reality is just as real as the waking virtual reality. We can choose to see it in a waking state by parallel processing.
Your analogy of the river and glacier were as poetic, as they were the perfect metaphor for the stream of consciousness .
Seeing the future is taking a random draw of the probable outcomes by increments of delta T's. This explains slight differences in a future scenario playing out. The location may be off, or the players. But the core event usually remains the same.
Einstein never completed his unified field theory. He spent the rest of his life in this failed attempt. He didn't know about virtual realities.
Understanding that light isn't a particle or a wave, it's information. Consciousness is fundamental, all else is virtual, as in the information exchanged within consciousness.
When this is understood, the paradoxes of quantum mechanics fall out as a logical by product.
It all comes down to reducing entropy, growing up, making choices, loosing the opposite of love, which is fear.
Dreams allow us this growth opportunity, with fewer negative consequences of damage to the physical body, or avatar. Our core being is still making choices in the dream reality, and growing with them.
We do not die, and we take what we learn in every life with us to the next. Ever growing, evolving, becoming more complex and organized. Lowering entropy, becoming love.
Most excellent! I love that we are on such a parallel page, to say the least! Thanks for your thoughts and powerful argumentation, as always.
Namaste :)
Thank you very kindly. I see everything speeding up these days, it's good! :)
~bluerocktalk🖖Hey, hey @gggreenhouse!!
Hey @bluerocktalk! 🖖
A dreamer never stops believing no matter how non-realistic it is. It's just the matter of hard-work, determination and perseverance that you will make it happen. Good work, I enjoyed reading it a lot. Check me out too if you're a food and travel lover too @explorernations
Thanks a lot!
I am in deed a traveller of the soul as well as on land to and people who know me well know perfectly that I am a real foodie too! I'll check out your blog right now...
Namaste :)
You are clearing the concepts of lucid dreaming to us. Now, we have more information about lucid dreaming. thanks for sharing this post. always, good work from you. @aonraza
Thanks a lot, it is such a pleasure to help in this manner. Your words are really appreciated, namaste :)
Have a nice day
Thanks, you too! Namaste :)
Thank you :). NAMASTE!
Its beautiful work my friend ! Really motivating one !! thanks for your effort !!!
Namaste !
Thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate. Now, I'm curious to know how far the motivation will go!?.
Namaste :)
It will definitely go and work on me !
Beautifully done Eric!!! Thank You
Thanks a lot for the reply and the resteem as well, @teresa-robinson! It is such a pleasure to share this with the whole world... And YOU!!! Namaste :)
~ bluerocktalk🖖excellent @eric-boucher, now your talking my language!
You are clearing the concepts of lucid dreaming to us.That's really a informative post . And you are a nice photographer indeed @eric-boucher .
Very kind words, thank you. I'm glad you are appreciating both the concepts and the photography too. Namaste :)
Nice photography,
Dream on dream
Thank' s for sharing sir
@upvoted and followed
Thank you so very much, dream on, Steem on and thrive on! Namaste :)
i enjoyed reading ur post, and im done to follow u bro, im so appreciate if u want to follow me back... thank u
awesome photography
if anyone upvote my post, i will do the same
Thanks for the compliment, namaste :)
Up! =)
I am a photographer. would you like to visit my photography click here. Thank youhi @eric-boucher, good post with some good photography.
Thanks for the compliment, it is appreciated, especially coming from another photographer with talent!
I would love to upvote your work with a much higher % and, if you added up more details about the story behind the shot, the inspiration that brought you to take it and the techniques used, I would be in a position to give you much higher rewards.
Namaste :)
Thank you friend for support me. From next time I will try to add more details to my photography. Hope you will support me in future. Upvote Follow Resteem my post and let me grow up. Thank you.
Very beautiful
Thanks a lot! Namaste :)