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RE: Calin Georgescu, the Candidate so Dangerous Romania Cancels Election and Moves to Arrest Him

in #life3 months ago

Intended chaos everywhere. More and more countries will come under martial law. My country: vast parts of the population not realizing what will come but already sniffing it, thinking that they can vote by the usual parties, which will lead us further into crisis. Seemingly, that is what we deserve, though I think, I don't. LoL


I don't think anyone deserves the blood and chaos that is crushing the people of Syria today at the hands of the ISIS terrorists Israel, the USA, and Turkey have unleashed on them. Both Germany and the US are under occupation by hostile foreign adversaries today, and none have suffered more than Germany from that occupation.

I really hope we're wrong about what's coming.


Three months ago, we had three elections in East Germany. After the votes were counted, further proceedings were massively sabotaged because the opposition had won around thirty per cent in two of the federal states and only one or two per cent below the established party in another. Only one of the federal states succeeded in constituting itself, in the other two the parliament has still not been able to get going, even though the elections took place in September. The level of disruption, obstruction, small and big games played by the political bloc (all other colours) is shocking. Every bureaucratic trick you can think of has been used.

What do you call it when something is right on paper but wrong in spirit? I am searching for an apt description.

Anyway, in order to change our devastating course, we would need a landslide in the up coming election. But I am afraid, we Germans are not that good in copying this type of behavior from you guys in the US. Even though we copied everything else. We are still a little behind you when it comes to the visually visible decay for all eyes. It takes time for such wealthy citizens as ourselves to finally acquire a look, smell and atmosphere in our own country that will become apparent to the last fool.

I remember being in the US in the mid 90s and was told that Palm Springs was one of the richest areas at the whole west coast. But then I walked through the streets in P. Desert and watched the electric lines in this wealthy neighborhoods in disbelief. The pylons were askew, the cables messily fumbled together, as if the whole thing dated back to the last century. The promenades in Los Angeles gleaming, but barely a few hundred metres away the feeling of no longer being on safe ground. Dirty, neglected and somehow lifeless.

A friend of mine, who had a problem with his knee, was given a pair of crutches, which once again made my jaw drop: they were the kind of crutches we only knew from black and white photographs, the kind you put under your armpit. Really hurtful to walk around with. Out of pity, we ordered some German high tech crutches for him, where he could rest his elbows conveniently on.

All in all, the impressions we Germans gained, while visiting our American friends, was, that they were much more unfree then we were back then – an astounding observation for us! We insulted our buddies in saying that out loud and in particular a friend of mine, who emigrated there.

I was seeing numerous sites and was on numerous events where I sensed an unfreedom of your citizens.
Altogether, those were signs that something was not in order. That despite the glitz and the great facades, there was something to be felt underneath. We always sensed that when visiting and maybe we talked in such nasty ways because we knew, the same thing will happen to ourselves, but could not grasp they why and how.

In any case, even if an election turns out the way one prefers (to gain time, for example), we can see how it goes. The outgoing government does what it wants. And it is doubtful that the new incumbents will have less trouble or cause less trouble themselves.

We for sure will face very very hard times. The Germany we know it, is over. I wonder how I will cope with that. And even though I am for the opposition, I also estimate that they, too, will eventually become the same. Since politics is such a rotten game. If they do not something radically different. For that, they need more brave people. Perhaps, it is not so bad, after all, that we have many foreigners here and they bring a bit more of a traditional habit with them. LoL, I must say. Since so called right wingers are in fear of the aliens, I am having good relationships to people from other countries. Of course, it is an irony that our streets were full of Syrians who celebrated that Assad was besieged, disturbing the Christmas market, mocking us openly. One must differ between each and every folks.

Enough. I did not say anything new, I guess.

I appreciate your eyewitness report. As bad as it was in the 90s, it has got worse here since then. I live in a very rural area of quaint villages, so it's largely missed us here, but I dread having to go to the cities.