I am using my freedom up to the fullest. I lead a life which can be described as "independent" from a corporate structure and hierarchy. I think I earned my spurs in my youth and can now rest on what is called life experience and confidence in having had hard times and crisis and all that together with exciting and adventurous times. I think I am blessed with the freedom to chose a profession, traveling and life concept. I know though that someone else paid and pays a price for my freedom. I am totally dependent on the food delivery and all materials which I am provided with. But I think my mother would think that this was her gift to me as she suffered expulsion, imprisonment, and starvation, half of her life not allowed to move freely (in the sense of leaving a country).
Within her own possibilities there was freedom. In her spirit and garden, she was a self-sufficient woman. Some people never escape the real chains, others do. And some chain themselves even in a country which has free speech and border crossings are easy to make. I would like them all to un-chain and find their potentials for the best.
Voting with the feet, that is a good expression. And to describe the act of voting as a daily act, several times occurring makes it vivid.
I fully agree with everything you say. And the story you told me about your mother is quite inspiring, sad after all, but inspiring, if you look at the example of East German people crossing the border, it is essentially the same. People who risk themselves, to change their conditions.