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RE: Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

in #life8 years ago

To be honest jeff don't give a fuck. He didn't push anyone in any direction. also don't go claiming CHRIST IS NOT A RELIGION IT IS THE TRUTH in all caps as if caps makes it more true. Bitch were you there a few thousand years ago to confirm it's true? The absolute worst part about what you said is "You're either with us or against us". This is exactly the kind of thinking that starts wars. I'm glad as fuck you only have a screen and keyboard in front of you and not any real power. There's no real point in trying to convince anyone of anything. Don't bother.


Jeff is notorious for being a scammer himself. I like Jeff but he is slightly obsessed with money and making it. This reflects his lack of Christian values. Hes also very judgmental, very quick to label people villains without actually knowing their personal lives. He is quick to say when he was right but not so quick to admit when he is wrong. And yes this is the type of thinking that starts wars but usually the Christians are the ones being prosecuted and killed for being morally just. The Crusades? People will argue. But the crusades was run by the church not by the Son of God. Also, the crusades where not created to spread Christianity (like most brainwashed Americans learned in school) but it is was directly for political and economical power. The word of God is a source of knowledge. And it can be used for good OR evil. Using our mind however you can take the words as literal interpretations you will only find goodness from it. JEFF DOESNT KNOW SHIT ABOUT SPIRITUALITY. (CAPS LOCK BECAUSE THE DUDE HAS NEVER READ PAGE TO PAGE ABOUT THE BIBLE AND YET HE TALKS ABOUT RELIGION LIKE HES GOD-SENT) PLUS HES A HEATHEN? DO I HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING ELSE?