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RE: Did FedEx ever broke your package?

in #life8 years ago

Packages usually have a small free “insurance “on them. Companies tend to have to spend more for higher value items but that protection often ends once the item is delivered.

I would say most of everything we get shipped does not required a signature and it’s a real issue. It’s up to the sender to require it. I personally have not had something stolen but I have caught people in the act of trespassing. I just call the cops sometimes the people get caught with a truck load full of packages otherwise they get away.

From the people who have told me they have been stolen from they file a police report, contact the seller and get a new item shipped to them. I don’t think anything becomes of the police report. Sadly a crime has to have a very high value to even get noticed unless it’s caught in the act. Even with video evidence some items it’s not worth anyone time to go after someone over a small item. The courts and legal processing are just stupid over expensive.

At the end of the day companies either takes the write off for the loss, or you take the wright off as a loss if you meet the minimum requires in regards to taxes.