There even a worse trend I have been noticing. I call them serial community joiners. At the bottom of their blog they have 5, or god knows how many footer/banners stating all the communities they are in. Most of the time its longer then what ever there content was which is both sad and funny at the same time.
Then you look at their upvotes and they are under $1 total only getting bot upvotes with 2 views on their blog.
They just can’t invest any time into a single community so they get zero rewards and might as well just leave them all and start over.
I suggested long ago: Those with the long signatures should simply write an "About the author" post and link that down at the bottom with a much smaller signature. Then they can fill up that post with as much spam and bullshit as they want. Nobody is reading it, they're trained to scroll past. Anything new gets overlooked... totally pointless. They could also copy/paste their junk into the first comment under each post. Whatever though... it's like talking to a wall.
So many look for that easy road. The shortcut. They don't read the fine print, they just see $$$. Then they find out their tricks and exploits didn't work, they blame Steemit... and quit. I've seen that numerous times.