Awesome I have a WIP folder as well,
It itself is a horror story,
Unfinished most days things dwell,
Some things get done for the glory,
Others weight heavy on my mind as a lorry,
Many get sent to trash bin to die,
It’s not that I have writers block my mind is a corrie,
I have hundreds to write as I never buy,
I’m a time traveling cat I would never lie,
Just even I don’t have the time,
My brain cooks slower than a baking pie,
Like a 56 line poem I’m trying to chime,
Its due Wednesday at midnight,
I also something else due by 7pm it will be alright.
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I knew cats could walk but when they started to talk I felt a bit of a shock and now I put down the rock because if wasn't mistaken I think I smell bacon and should go see what's shakin' before I awaken that Jamaican who seems to be takin' that forsaken baking.