13 lessons I got in 13 years from life

in #life7 years ago

1- You can't give your feelings a chance to manage what you do or not do on that day 

2- Change is conceivable whenever and at any minute 

3- Self esteem and empathy is fundamental to carrying on with a decent life 

4- your mentality is likewise so much critical while taking choices 

5- never contrasting yourself as well as other people never at any point do it in life 

6- having a state of mind of appreciation is absolutely a distinct advantage 

7- you can't change the other individuals and they can't transform you, generally go in your own particular manner 

8- be aware of who you accept counsel from 

9- Empower one lady and afterward observe she will empower all ladies 

10- continuously apply those things what you gain from the general public 

11- Cash outlook is genuine and it is as profound as the sea is profound 

12- life is too short so make sure to make the most of your life and make it more significant 

13- there is nobody measure fits all so everything is not appropriate for all so dont free expectation and remain on that what you have in your pocket and in your psyche 

and in the last but not the least 

adore those individuals dependably who love and bolster you since they are the genuine legends of your life


I think no. 12 is the best in real life.