This here is my 1.9 Volkswagen Polo, To whom I have unashamedly named Reginald.
Ok, So this isn’t actually my car, I stole this picture from the internet, But It’s dark outside and I can’t be bothered to go out there and take a picture, So get over it!...
Anywho, It’s recently come to my attention, How much money my car is actually costing me to keep on the road these days. Taking in mind that my fuel works out at around £40 per week, Which is actually quite reasonable compared to my previous cars, And on top of that my insurance is just shy of £100 per month with the addition of road tax, which is about £20.
This puts my monthly payout for my car at about £280. That’s just shy of my weekly wage! (The average wage of a trained chef might I add.)
This means to say that for the first week of every month, 80% of my wages are going towards my car, To which I mainly need in order to get to work in the first place.
So, Once I got over the fact that this entire week I’ve been working simply to pay for the pleasure of driving to work, I decided that I should finally get around to having the cambelt and water pump changed, As my car savvy friend advised me to do so over a year ago.
I’ve been avoiding this one for quite some time as I’m fully aware that having a cambelt changed is considered one of the best diets your wallet can do. The pounds will literally roll off, or “Roll Out” should I say.
'Bearing in mind that I’ve just received my bill of £350 from my MOT last week, I really want you to get into my frame of mind for this one!'
It’s a sunny Thursday afternoon and I’m in my car on my way to the garage, I’m driving down a long and winding back road, Which is the main way us country folk tend get around. As you could imagine, My mind is partially focused on arriving at my destination safely, But mostly trying to estimate how much this damn garage bill will come too.
I've just approached a sharp corner, to which I slow to a stop so that another car can pass. The person driving said car is clearly here on holiday, Which is demonstrated by the indisputable display of fear in his eye’s as his pristine 4x4 slowly etches through the tremendous amount of space I left between my car and the other side of the road. (City dwellers don’t seem to be fans of roads without lines on them!)
So, As soon as ‘Virgin Holidays’ gets out of my damn way, I’m free to continue towards my destination.
As I finally make my way around the corner, I see that the road ahead is straight for the next 300 yards or so, And there seems to be no oncoming traffic. Obviously I floor it, Hoping to make up for lost time.
As I whiz down this country road, Wondering why I’m in such a hurry in the first place, I suddenly hear a massive BANG. As my car shudders to a steady pace due to the brusque impact that has just entailed, I notice that something doesn’t quite feel right.
I hesitantly withdraw myself from my beloved Reginald, Only to find that I had just managed to obtain a flatty, Thanks to hitting one of those Bloody potholes that the government are supposed to fill in using that money that I pay them every F$#%!g Week!
Obviously by this point I’m starting to wish that had chosen to drive more carefully, Like my friend ‘Billie Holiday’ back there!
So, I then had to slug along for the rest of my journey, Causing multiple queues and even recieving a few unkindly gestures from other drivers. I don’t know why they were so upset. We’re British! We’re renowned for our love of queueing!.
Anyway, Once I arrive at the garage the mechanic kindly changes my tire for the modest old price of £42.77, Whilst reminding me that he had only just fitted that tire for me 2 months ago!
Needless to say I began to get quite frustrated, As he condoles to me that a cambelt and water pump replacement will cost me at least £370!
Yep, I have literally become bad luck brian!
And all of this has come at the perfect time, As next week I’m due to cough up £1500 to my landlord as the first payment for my student accommodation.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is, This post is simply a long winded plea for your charitable upvotes in order to pay off some of my recent car bills, Or in failing that contribute to buying me a few beers so that I can drink away my sorrows.
Of Course I realise that you have to work for your rewards here on Steemit, So I tried to make it a fun read, As I always do.
As always steemit, I’m endaksi1, And Thank You for Reading.
Sources and other boring stuff:
Ahhh, the numbing joys of a false economy :-)
A false economy indeed, Nicely put :)
Great read. Thanks :-) Your quite lucky in the UK to be honest. In Ireland we get rightly screwed with motoring costs.
Thank You :-)
I guess it varies from place to place. The thing that really gets me is that, In the UK we spend more money every year on reimbursing drivers for damage caused by potholes than we do on actually repairing potholes! Absolute madness.
My sympathies.
Thanks, It's not too bad a situation, Just a pain in the ass really.