You don’t have to need a college degree to be successful in life. higher education in USA is a money making business, unless you enroll in some type of community college OR win a nice, fat scholarship! Do not worry, life expects you to have far more important skills than from a regular diploma. And I've seen so many successful people that are in fields that do not require diploma.
School does NOT teach you or guide you to ALL opportunities of life, to be honest, they concentrate on a couple of majors only!
Also, it really depends on location if you ask me! With Internet nowadays you can do tons of stuff and as you see with crypto even you can past the breaking point of being, well.. poor. Just keep in mind that online business is not forever, jys because something is working now, doesn’t mean it will be the same a year or two down the road, so always have a backup plan.
Lots of luck to you!Hey @synesthesia,
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I love that comment. I wrote a piece on college and why you shouldn't go to college. Followed and upvoted!