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RE: Afternoon Vlog - Trying to stay positive during these depressing times..

in #life7 years ago

Allow me to play devil's advocate for a moment. While I'm also one to avoid watching the news and have pretty much completely muted it for my own sanity, I have to disagree that money is the only way to change things. The underlying problem is that we have stopped caring, and we also suffer from the worst case of bystander apathy. Sending "thoughts and prayers", signing petitions, and clicking "like" has become our way of feeling like we did something. As long as someone else is carrying the weight, why should we? And as long as it hasn't happened to our family or someone we love, why should we care? What we don't realize is that there is power behind our voices. If we CARED enough, we could make change. And no amount of money could stop a powerful movement that is led by people who deeply believe in the cause for which they're fighting. The media and government has beaten us down to a point where we've lost hope in the possibility of change. That's what they want because it's how they maintain control. It's all psychological, and until we figure that out and actually do something about it we'll be stuck in the same vicious cycle.


bystander apathy

Most people in my ‘world’ only want to focus on ‘positivity’. That’s disconcerting on many levels; but, apathy is definitely a problem.

there is power behind our voices

I’m reminded of when I was a kid. My parents didn’t have to say a single word. So, I’m not so sure about that.

Not to make light of such a dire situation; but, nothing will change without people acting on behalf of the dollar. When people stop saying yes to OPIOD Rx for common-everyday anxieties and depression, that’s a start. When they start insisting that natural remedies be legalized, that’s another start.

It's all psychological, and until we figure that out and actually do something about it we'll be stuck in the same vicious cycle.

Of course; but, tell that to 10 people in your circle who currently have their necks craning over the latest palm gadget; and watch the glazed-over look in their eyes…lol…

Now, that’s psychological!

Yes, it’s called the dumbing down of America. “SMART” phones have made put it mildly…not as smart as they should be. FB owns the personal data of far too many people worldwide.

Lastly, after all is said and done, notice all of the talk is directed at gun control; and, not a peep about Big Pharma.

I’m signing off for the day; and, welcome checking in tomorrow for your rebuttal! Great juxtaposition by the way!


Well put, and I think we're pretty much on the same page. I definitely agree that money plays a huge role in how our world is run, there is no denying that. The overmedication of this country is absolutely on purpose and goes hand-in-hand with our "smart" phones and social media. Silicon Valley has admitted they've created a monster with social platforms, and even they're not able to control it--they've fallen victim to it themselves! Everything is interconnected: money, medication and social media, but at the base of it all is the most detrimental psychological component: fear. Fear of losing money or not making enough money, fear of missing out, fear of disease, fear of losing our rights, fear of dying, etc. Think about all the issues that plague this country and tell me that fear doesn't play a role in it.

I should have been more specific when I said there's power behind our voices. Speaking up is one thing, but action is another. We can't expect to make an impact if we don't utilize both. We are all capable of incredible movements, but problem is we don't care enough because we're told over and over again that nothing will ever change. If we can overcome it, this world would be a much different place.

Great discussion!

nothing will ever change.

Change is inevitable. What role each person plays, for the good or the evil, will determine the fate of the nation.

It's clear that the aim is destabilization of the peoples, when in essence, we have more that unites us than divides. No matter the rough patches, I believe, ultimately, all will be well.


Great discussion. I see where you are coming from. Everyone is getting used at this point to get their point across. I'm going to see how long this will last. We are only like two weeks in at this point

We are only like two weeks in at this point

Forgive me for saying this @alao; but, as long as people just talk, no one in 'power' will ever worry.

There are two classes in America...the elites and the poor. Even people who live 'good' lives with decent incomes fall into the latter category should stuff HTF; and, the propped up economy collapses.

I'd like to think crypto is untouchable; but, I've seen exchanges go silent for many.

But, when it's all said and done I believe in a much Higher Power; and, no worries about the goings on in ways unseen. I consider the Vegas Massacre and recent Florida shootings an example of birth pangs.

Best regards!


No need to say sorry. I'm in line what what your saying. I don't want to be a politician but I do want to do something.

BTW what is a birth pang?

I do want to do something.

Getting permission from a school administrator to volunteer a few minutes once a week to read a library book to a group of third-graders might be a start.

I do believe change will evolve from the youth. The seeds of hope we plant in their lives will have strong roots in the future.

If all we feed them is violence in video games, and denigrating of, particularly women, in music, I'm certain we will get more of the same, but on steroids.

birth pangs

synonymous with the travails associated with labor pains

It's a biblical reference to tumultuous events, nearing the end times (destruction) of the world as we know it. (Matthew 24:8).

Best regards!
