
I'm not looking for support of others, because I know I'm right. I'm using you as an example of bad thought process and terrible mentality regarding the agency of your own body.

use me all you like ,but in my opinion you are a fascist ,dictating to others what they should say or think.

If I'm a fascist you're an elephant.

no you don't like to be called a fascist,do you,you would rather you kept that word for people like me ,who speak there mind,well i'm afraid it doesn't work like that,its called freedom of speech.

I'm Illuminati. I'm actually Obama's hidden Steem implant sent here to take the site down. Don't tell a soul. Don't.

What you say and think is your choice, but don't expect to be treated any better than how you treat others.
You have the freedom to say what you want, but you are not free of the consequences of those words.