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RE: Any Dream Interpreters Out There?

in #life7 years ago

This was so interesting! I will make an attempt at deciphering this but I’m definitely not an expert 😂So, the fact that you’re in a room without cubicles seems to mean that there are no walls, no boundaries. Everything is out in the open (vulnerability). Another interesting thing that you realize soon in the dream is there are windows, but the blinds are closed. Windows represent the window to our soul, the connection we have. The fact that the blinds are closed shows that there is something being guarded or maybe kept from “soul” OR something keeping you from full integration of soul? (again, not claiming to be an expert)

The fact that there are three men, represents the trinity. Mind body soul, triangle. Past, present, future. Emotion, feeling, thought. The triangle also seen as a “doorway” by the Greeks. It is also integrations, showing that working together can unite. The fact that one is sitting and there is conflict shows there is an imbalance... a part not willing to or unable to integrate. Hair in Native American culture is looked at as connection to earth, intuition etc. if it’s being cut by someone else it might mean your intuition or connection to self/soul (because you are in an open room with windows covered) is being taken slowly and you’re fed up, like just get it over with (the fast cut but the one seated) When you end up coming into the dream as a non observer you choose to fire that part of you cutting the hair. You feel you are making the right decision but when you wake up feeling guilty. Maybe that represents the fact that you cut a part of yourself out that needs to be reintegrated. (Mind body soul) When you blocked one of these aspects you thought you were doing the right thing, but you know it’s still important and needs to be reintegrated. Maybe the man sitting needed to be helped back up, and learn to face the past/future of him he felt were controlling him. Maybe the one part didn’t need to be fired but needed to be integrated to work as one. (The trinity) the fact that your son and his father in law is a part of this dream seems to be the ultimate confirmation that these three men are aspects of you. Your sons father in law represents an aspect of you (because he is now your sons other “father”) and your son also represents you just the younger past of you. It seems there are something you might be needing to balance out within yourself in order to directly connect to your soul and get those blinds open and let the sun(clear sight of whatever it is you need to see) shine through?

Thanks for the opportunity to do this and being so open about your experience. Please know I am only coming at this as a complete stranger so take it for what it’s worth. Only you know what the true message is that is trying to be expressed. Good luck!


Okay. This was quite an amazing response. I went for the haircut, you went for the whole thing. :)

The parts about integration and reintegration, or renewing balance are particularly interesting. I hadn't realized the father-in-law could actually represent me, too, so that's a twist I wasn't expecting.

Thank you for taking the time to do this. I guess I have more to ponder on than I thought!

Hahaha I may have overdone it a little bit I found your dream so symbolic in so many ways! And I could be completely off on my interpretation so definitely take what I said with a grain of salt but I love dreams. I keep a dream journal and wrote all my dreams down. Anyways, thanks for being so kind and reading my novel response! I enjoyed Looking into the symbolism :)