The Sickest from Our Sick-Care System + How To Build Direct Democracy

in #life6 years ago

A recent report outlines a grotesque and yet not all together that surprising admission from our for-profit-healthcare system. The lengths to which these corporate goons will go to fill their own pockets never ceases to amaze.

Next, after hundreds of years of colonization, the Trump administration has a new idea on how to further oppress and torture indigenous peoples. Next, ALEC had their annual meeting last week – here's a look at the human rights they wanna slash.

Finally, municipalism may not be an idea that you're familiar with but I guarantee you've seen or heard examples of it. There is no one size fits all approach – and that's why it's working --– from Rojava to Barcelona to Argentina. The details are vastly different but the concept is much the same: grassroots engagement, autonomy, real democracy – and feminism.
Laura Roth from Barcelona en Comu joins us to talk municipalism, the feminization of politics and a global network of local direct democracies.



Thank you for an interesting podcast. I like the way you tell it how it is.

Here in the UK we have a government of big business that wants to take our beloved health system down the American road. Not surprising they are facing a big fight over this.

The one issue that gives me confidence, that the mass of people will emerge from the matrix and start to question the way they look at the world, is the next economic collapse. This will come as a terrible shock to mass consciousness and provide us with an opportunity to get a mass echo for radical politics that fights for the overthrow of our current economic/political system that is taking us full throttle towards disaster.

Keep up the good work.