The weak man's strength is...

in #life6 years ago

"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength."- Eric Hoffer. elderly-person-1547941__480.jpg

Img souvenirs.

Weak people are known to do whatever it takes to make them seem as being strong, including being rude and offensively at that.

I Feel Blessed!

Be a strong man even if you are weak and do not allow the fear of your being weak drive you to adopt a rude man's mental state of mind.

You must be able to make others see the best in themselves and not the worse.
Know that, your ability to being able to show strength even in the midst of weakness and uncertainty is what defines you.

I try to stay away from weak men who adopt a dirty strategy to cover their true state of mind.

It pays to be you and when you are able to prove you are much more than the world credits you for you will become unstoppable.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


It's also a high sense of ignorance

i couldn't agree more.