"Laziness is a secret ingredient that goes into failure. But it's only kept a secret from the person who fails."- Robert Half.

Laziness is a secret ingredient that is used to prepare the dish called Failure and it sure doesn't taste good.
When the lazy are faced with life changing opportunities, they hurry into the kitchen to prepare the one dish that they are used to preparing and that is failure.
Laziness is so easy to embrace because it comes with no noticeable strings and allows the man who seeks it stay comfortable until he becomes the definition of failure.
Pick up the secret ingredients called "believing in yourself" and "never giving up" and you will be able to concoct a dish called success.
Very true! Laziness is indeed one of the worst limiting factors to someone's success. I, therefore, choose to keep alert to opportunities. For they come to one who is prepared for them. By default, man is a working creature, when the working aspect is undermined through laziness then dissatisfaction and failure are ushered into his life.
Thanks for sharing. Stay awesome!
Keeping the mind cold spells disaster for the entire human frame.
Working is not a guarantee to winning, but it sure has its benefits.
An idle mind is the...
Just never stop loving the things that makes for innovations even if it makes you sweat profusely or even bleed blood.
Stay Awesome!