Being nobody but yourself.

in #life6 years ago

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting."- Edward Estlin Cummings.


Being a nobody but yourself in a world that constantly seeks to make you become someone other than yourself can be a really damning task. People prefer to be seen as who they are not because, it makes them feel good about themselves in the meantime rather than for the longest time. Pretenses has become the powder man uses to cloth himself from being seen for who he truly is.

I Feel Blessed!

The hardest thing we have to do in life is not one of survival or one of getting riches and wealth; it is one of trying to remain sane despite the pressure to stay insane and flip out on ourselves and stay like someone else. Man is become an object of disguise even to himself. The battle to be seen as someone else is so strong that, instead of fighting to stay one's self, man now chooses to be seen as someone else.
Living in another person's image or shadow is like living half awake. You become dead to rights of personal worth and like a programmed junkie on cheap and watery steroid, you move through life unaware of your God given strength and willpower to live for and as yourself. But, the minute you become aware that the battle is real and should be fought in a bid to stay as yourself and for yourself, you feel an unlimited excitement that keeps you always up and fully awake.
Taking on that battle head on is one most important step any man can take and you become set to be truly yourself for you and not as someone trailing in the shadow of someone who may even be inferior to you.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

I left Aisha in the other room to check on you

Very inspiring.... nobody but your self, I've thought about this, most people aren't able to be their self because of what people may think about them, which is a damning task. Some want to pretend so people don't know who they really are... no matter what JUST BE YOUR SELF. thanks for this content @ejemai very happy seeing your post again @fabuloux

So true! Be yourself, be unique, stand out, dare to be different...i love this sir

Trying to be like someone else will only make us a blurred photocopy. The best anyone can be is himself/herself but the world is making us to believe that we're inadequate, so we all are struggling hard to be like someone else and forget our uniqueness.

This is one of the reasons why so many of us are lost in the crowd and we're wondering why nobody is noticing us. How can a fake be noticed when everyone has seen the original?