Understanding Head of District
Based on Government Regulation No.19 of 2008 Article 1 clause 9 on sub-districts, the sub-district head or other designation is the leader and coordinator of government administration in the working area of the sub-district who in the performance of his duty to obtain the delegation of government authority from the bupati / walikota to handle some regional autonomy affairs, the general task of government.
The position of the Subdistrict Head
A subdistrict head is a district or municipality-level device domiciled to lead a district area. The Sub-District Head is also mentioned in PP no. 19 of 2008 Article 14 paragraph (1) and (2). This sub-district is appointed and appointed directly by the regent or mayor. Therefore, a camat is directly responsible to the mayor or regent.
The appointment of the subdistrict head is to the qualified civil servants based on the proposal from the regional secretary. A person elected to be a sub-district administrator must have knowledge of the technicalities of the government and meet the criteria established by the law. The conditions of being a subdistrict head have also been regulated in PP. 19 of 2008 Articles 24, 25, and 26.