I was never so much an Apple fan. Used more than 15 years Windows based PCs, Laptops, PDAs and Smartphones. Until I got an iPhone as a bonus from my employer at the time. Next thing I did when I left my last employer and started as a freelancer, I bought an Apple laptop. Why? I wanted to have all integrated, phone, laptop and tablet (roadmap) with a solid OS on laptop. Android doesn't have that, and Windows, well, I didnt want to swicth my smartphone to a windows one. Although I still dont like Apples walled garden, I'm very pleased about having the MacBook Pro of Apple. It feels good, and once you learn the OS, it may even work better than a windows based laptop. I wish you all the success learning OSX. It is different, and needs some adjustments. Enjoy!
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It certainly helps if you have multiple devices of the same OS. Better integration and synced up work I guess. thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. :)