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RE: X Payments and Social Credit System Introduced by the Yacc

in #life2 months ago

Yeah I've been throttled on that platform since I made an account.
Not only that our community gets throttled as well.
So they tuck us all into an echo chamber and don't let us converse with other platforms.
My political messages should resonate on other platforms just like they have done here.
They never do.
I must be on so many lists at this point that I don't even know about.


Unfortunately I don't think this is simply the result of prejudice or something, but an aspect of a plan that depends on platforms like Hive going away, and that's likely why you're being throttled rather than a lack of charm or good looks, both of which you have in abundance. X is an advertising supported platform, and the Hive economic mechanism directly threatens several aspects of that model, as well as the WEF intention to reduce us to dependence on centralized market mechanisms controlled from the peak of the hierarchy, and Hive generally professing independence is contrary to their purposes. The real danger to Hive is it's governance model because nothing is simpler for the NWO than buying power. As long as their unfamiliarity with Hive continues to prevent new Suns from rising, there's a future for Hive. As much as I complain about the oligarchy here they have interest in keeping it going, which I don't think Hive could if they, or their purchasers, didn't. Their golden parachutes could well be lead anchors for Hive.

You've a much heavier load to maneuver through the eye of the needle they're going to force us through than me, and you'll have to do a lot more outside the box to make that happen than is likely to be facile, mostly with weights I haven't experience bearing outside traditional boxes. The concatenation of the public ledger, dependence on the network, and intention of X to force it's negotiable instrument on you may make the steps to the dance tricky. You've been nimble to date, and may have to dance in a different ballroom than The Yacc intends to corral the party in. At least you keep your ear to the ground to stay informed on where rumblings of other dances are coming from. Being ahead of big moves will be necessary, and paper and pen may facilitate equitable exchanges with the right parties that can extricate you from chutes you don't want to traverse, but they are willing to. Having dance partners at different dances may be the only route to enjoying the coming party because having your limbs tied on X won't be pleasant when that spreads to your personal fortune, rather than your political speech.

You definitely need to stay on your toes.


good looks

uh oh have I been doxxed? :D

Lucky for me top-down enforcement normally gives a lot of time and warnings to navigate and refactor the situation, with the top 0.001% offenders being targeted first, often publicly to nudge the rest in line without further work needing to be done to get the intended effect.

I have little doubt that one day I'll make a push to go off-grid and remove the tether from my "slave" name and associated social security number. And I will make a push for others to do the same. Ideally nobody on Hive would have their current address listed in a database somewhere. That's the first step in attacking the blatant system of KYC we've become so accustomed to. I imagine the second would have something to do with facial recognition... and eventually even DNA tracking.

"...have I been doxxed?"

It's that jaunty feather in your avatar's cap. I can just recognize your innate qualities, sorta like how great minds think alike, or steel sharpens steel.

I can only recommend you to your judgment, but would point out that I have suffered greatly by learning as I go, and have lost everything by clearly underestimating my susceptibility to hazards. I really hope you don't do that.

Edit: the first rule of investing is do not lose your capital. Somewhere between FOMO and YOLO is jump when you feel froggy. Ask questions later.

It's tempting to brag about my opsec at a time like this but doing so is counterproductive.

It's that jaunty feather in your avatar's cap.