Hello Dearest Steemers,
You've had the pleasure of knowing and conversing with Echo Cadence, and please be rest assured that you will continue to know the sweet, adventurous girl. She's still here, going about on her wonderful adventures and creating whimsical gifts for her love ones. You know, doing "Echo" antics.
She'll be back soon, don't you worry your precious, little heads about it.
I wanted just for a moment for my story to be beheld by something that too cannot die, something that cannot forget or fade away. It's ironic that something as wonderful and as toxic as the internet is is exactly what I am searching for.
Perhaps it's the cold rain pelting outside the window that's bringing forth these memories I'd rather not be dwelling on, or perhaps it's the caress of the bitter winter's wind on my face that's makes me feel that my home is just behind the curtain, only a window's pane of glass away of being somewhere familiar, somewhere safe.
As romantic as the former and latter sounds, it's most likely my arthritic soul aching at this frigid weather.
Heh, I apologize for my cold, winter's night ramble. When you've lived this long and seen all that I have seen, you too would feel that you've earned the right to rant. Living forever tends to do that to you.
Oh, I must have failed to mention that small, meager detail about myself. Rather, I don't think I have provided any delicious details for you to sip on. Well, my dears, you may call me Gaeli, and I am immortal.
I'm also devishly gorgeous, have a special, "Touch" gift, and have a bit of a wine issue, but let's focus on this point of interest shall we?
I cannot die. You can shoot me and watch as the bullet tears through my flesh, creating an entrance way for rivers of blood to flow through. I will not die.
You can press my head into a bucket of water, dig your fingers into my dark, long hair to keep me from moving. Granted, I will pass out, but I will not die.
Hell, if you want to get even more crafty (and trust me, people have been crafty) you can tie me down, crush every bone in my body, yes, including my skull, tear off my flesh and burn off my muscles, I just cannot die. Frustrating, I know.
Oh, I can feel the questions burning in your head. Is this for real? How can this be real? Okay, what if she was shot point blank in the head and was brain dead?
Well, dears, I AM real. I will tell you how this is real, but it's quite a story that will take some time to tell. You must be patient and look for these confessions.
And as to the possibility of me becoming brain damaged... that has happened. A number of times. It was not fun and it's a injury that I do not wish to suffer from ever again.
I will tell you how I recovered from those injuries and how I am even here today, but you must understand that there are a few things that I cannot and will never tell you.
For one, Gaeli is a name that no longer exists in this world. I live on this earth under so many alias that even I lose track. You cannot find me via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, nor SnapChat. Tumblr, quite possibly.
Secondly, I cannot teach you how to perform spells or incantations. That door has been sealed so long ago, and it's rare to find souls that are born with ties to that realm. Oh please spare me your confusion. Of course magic, or what you consider to be magic, existed. Some of it still is here, but most of it has been sealed away, mainly for a good reason.
Finally, I cannot tell you where you can become immortal. And you will understand that soon, I promise you.
On my next confession, I will talk about my life before I became eternally awesome. Now, I will end my introduction to the world with a request: ask me anything. I will do my best to answer. Scout's honor.
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Seems like sweet writing, if original!
Oh thank you so much!
Stay tuned for another confession!
Hi Echo Cadence, nice and engaging story, I'm looking forward to the part two. It's especially interesting to me as I intend to write much about life philosophy, and this kinda goes along those lines. Cheers! : )
Thank you so much! I look forward on taking you on this adventure with Gaeli~
If I would be immortal I would definitely change the world, by starting to learn everything about our capabilities, improving science in the highest level of extent to change the things that need to be changed, in government politics, rules, regulations, laws etc... it would be a complicated journey but I would have an iternity to figure that out :)
Gaeli here darling~ You're very sweet for wanting to do so. I'll be more than happy to mention my venture into trying to save the world before I go into details about my life before eternal life.
In anycase, I am so confident that if you were immortal, you would most definitely change the world. :)
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