I am trying to trust people and be apart of a healthy community. But anymore I am happy still being a hermit and being around happy people. Going to the store is nice and interacting with people is nice out here in Boise, Idaho. People are nice here. Don't know been looking at maybe staying here long term. Eh Who knows only if crypto/Hive takes off then maybe I can see living here. But still wanna find my way to a farm. Always connected to plants and animals better than humans. It is nice and quiet here though and feel it would be a cool place to start up this online microbiological school thing I tried out before but was too stressed to do it at the time.
The lack of stress and happy vibes here in Boise might allow me to re-take this. Might be able to sign up in a month. I think learning this skill set will be what I want to do while up here in Boise.
Recently, homelessness is a big deal around here in Boise, so I had to reflect on Las Vegas a little bit.
How many people are homeless in Ada County?
There is no easy answer to this question and, in fact, the question itself is misleading. In most cases, homelessness is a temporary circumstance — not a permanent condition. A more appropriate measure of the magnitude of homelessness is the number of people who experience homelessness over time, not the number of “homeless people.”
Studies of homelessness are complicated by problems of definitions and methodology. Nevertheless, the most recent statewide point-in-time count, conducted January 23, 2019, identified 713 homeless men, women, and children in Ada County and 2,315 homeless men, women, and children throughout the State of Idaho.
Over 13,000 Southern Nevadans will experience homelessness this year.
On any given night, there are 5,083 individuals experiencing homelessness in Southern Nevada and 13,076 Southern Nevadans, including families with children, couples, and individuals of all ages, who will experience homelessness at some point this year (Southern Nevada Homeless Census and Survey, 2021)
So yeah just interesting. I come from an area of the world where the homeless population is 2.5 times as great as the entire homeless population of Idaho. I literally had a homeless guy blow his hand off, with a fire work, in front of my house in Vegas just last year. Just something weird I donno.
I have seen first hand how... just kidding just kidding.
No seriously, I am just glad I am in an area in the world where I feel safe enough to indulge on cookies all day. I feel safe in Idaho. Its not like Vegas.
With 147 homicides in 2021, Metro police worked on 44% more murder cases this year than they did in 2020.
A pair of shootings at parking garages — Palace Station and the Fashion Show mall — closed the year. Those shootings, which involved robberies, were the exception to the rule. There were 11 homicides involving robbery — down 8% from last year.
The most common reason behind homicides last year was domestic violence — 22 homicides, a 10% increase over 2020. The second-most common reason cited: “altercation – perceived disrespect,” which was a factor in 19 homicides. That’s up 27% over the previous year. And the fastest-growing category was “altercation over money” — up 450%, growing from two cases in 2020 to 11 cases in 2021.
An additional 44 homicides were reported outside Metro’s jurisdiction:
North Las Vegas: 30 (up from 21 in 2020)
Henderson: 13 (down from 14 in 2020)
Boulder City: 1 (up from 0 in 2020)
How many murders in Boise last year? 2.
Idaho ranks in the top 10 safest states in the United States. It has low imprisonment rates, low murder rates, and low poverty rates. For the most part, even Idaho’s most dangerous cities have crime rates that are lower than the national average. Although Idaho’s dangerous cities aren’t as dangerous as cities like Detroit or Las Angeles, Idaho still has several cities that are more dangerous than the rest of the state. Here are Idaho’s most dangerous cities.
This town is tripping me out when looking into the stats. There really is no comparing my experience in Vegas to anything here. People keep telling me the murder is crazy here in Boise or how bad the homelessness is here and how it is so much better it is in Las Vegas. I guess only because Starbucks employs people for 20 an hour there... The housing is about the same in Vegas. But homelessness and crime is exponentially higher there. A lot of people I encounter have no idea how messed up Vegas is but tell me they want to live there??? Seems like any time I mention Vegas I hear a I wished I lived there. from whoever I talk to.
Listening to people and understanding I am in some interesting world where 2 murders and 700 homeless people is a crisis is tripping me out. Probably a reason such low numbers for murder and homelessness is because the community cares. Or murders are reported differently here lol.
Anyways, freaking weird town for me but I love it. Maybe too small of a town for me. Maybe one day I will retire here or if Hive takes off lol. Not sure I want to keep blogging as the world burns just to afford raw milk, beef burritos and cookies at the co-op, better find my way to a farm cause I am addicted to the raw milk here. Did you know 4 chocolate chip cookies are 6 usd? wowzahz.
One of the few states I haven't been through. Cool you're getting comfortable. I'm always cool until about 3 months. By month 4 I've had enough.
That is the plan it seems like but we will see. Might be able to take this 40-50 day class then find a way to farm to do the compost part of certification, the hardest part of that soil food web class.
When they said plant roots you were like watch this!