Oh, you had the best childhood Halloween in Alaska! Everyone should have one of those super hauls at least once in their life.
My kids lived on Military Bases and the haul was real. They would go to the dorms where all the single people gave out full size bars because they waited too long to get the bags.. or they thought it was cool. One guy gave my kids the whole bag of candy. His wife told him he could shut off the light when he was done handing out candy.
I love your stories! I have to keep coming back just to hear more. Oh you totally rocked that corset! ;)
What else you got in that closet of yours?? raises eyebrows
Hi there! It was a pretty epic Halloween. Well, a lot about Alaska was pretty epic, lol!
My husband was career military, and he got the biggest chuckle out of that guy just handing the bag of candy to your kids. That is totally something he would have done, lol, lol! What a bonus for your kids though, dang!
I am so, so glad that you enjoy the stories, that really means a lot! I love to write, and it tickles me that my childhood tales and dad's antics amuse you, I will definitely keep it coming for sure.:)
Um, I might have dressed rather oddly in high school, my closet is full of many treasures, ha ha ha!
Thank you again, so, so much!!!
Haha! I wonder if it WAS your husband! LOL
Oh, stories are totally enjoyed! I was one of nine kids and my brothers tell stories that would probably raise the hair on your back... not implying hairiness of anything... :) Just the thought of it.