What a great post! I can certainly relate having a daughter of my own who is turning 5 in May.
Time really does seem to fly and I realize that if I do not put the quality time upfront while she’s young, my bond might not be as strong.
I appreciate this post as I see some parallels and it looks like I’m doing something right. Great job dad.
Again, happy birthday!
Thank you for your lovely comments @dstreet6
I will pass the birthday wishes on.
I think a father's job, while different, should not be underestimated. The importance of our role can make me feel a little pressured sometimes, as I want to set Jaime up for the future. I've always seen my role as a teacher and guider to help her to make her own good decisions in the future.
The whole journey is wonderful but 5 years old is particularly cute and fun. You must be loving it. We had a house full of pink plastic stuff!!
Cheers, Gaz.