If life was perfect all the time...

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Would it be boring?

Can too much of a good thing maybe be a bad thing?

Do we need life to go wrong to appreciate when it's right?

Perhaps this is what it would be like to be rich, to find interest fussing over the details. The cleaner missed a spot on the microwave!

Or to play with other's lives because ours is so boring. Let's become president and mess with the world order. That might be fun...

And there it is, the pointy end: is Donald Trump's life perfect?

It seems not, from the outside.

In Australia there is a woman who is our richest person. Yet she's estranged from her children and has lost their trust, all to keep the funds within her father's trust account to herself. A pittance compared to her wealth.

Because when it comes to wealth the uber rich are like Smaug, the Mighty King of Desolation. They roll around in their riches, and fear even the loss of a single coin, trusting in money's defensive shield and never considering the happiness it may create if it was shared.

Not because they are happy.

Because they are not.

Is perfection then a curse? And is the perfect curse May you be rich beyond your wildest dreams?

May all beings be happy.

Photo courtesy of pixabay.com



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!


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Absolutely, life would have no value, excitement or meaning if you you could have anything and everything when ever you wanted it. You are spot on in my opinion, ”negative” experiences are opportunities to learn and grow.

This is evident when the saying ”wanting is better than having” is examined. Once we have what we wanted, we then get bored and what the next thing, what happens when there is nothing else to get?

We are simply a sum of the choices we have made through life and tough decisions are key to personal growth. If you are unable to make tough personal decisions and survive tough times, you will simply be an empty shell, again in my opinion.

Good post, really got the cogs turning.


Thanks for the considered response! I really appreciate your angle (view) on what I write :)

Some people seem to have no ability to imagine themselves in others’ shoes...

Being a rich is not a bad thing. However those money need to be used in proper way. Rich people should be very grateful to fate - and they should help to those who can't help themselfs. I am thinking about very poor childrens.
Sometimes I imagine that I am very rich - and I invest in very poor children by giving them free education. I call it investment because maybe with my help one of those children will create some unique medicament who can save many people. Another kid in a future can discover chemical element which can help humanity.
That would be the best way to spend money which rich people will not take with themselfs to the other side anyway.

Thanks for sharing. I absolutely agree :)

I feel as though I could use more good times and fewer bad times. But you can't know good without knowing bad. That's a core religious belief of life on Earth. It's something to consider that you have to know hard times so you can know easy times. Otherwise, you wouldn't really know life at all.

You would miss a lot of experiences and learnings that are important for your personal grow if life was perfect all the time. I prefer my downs and ups, because I've learned that happiness is a state of mind, not a situation at the moment.

So true. I hope life is good to you 🌞

This is a concrete truth @drwom. Back to what life actually means, it would be worthless without challenges. Honestly we've got to ask ourselves, "is perfection a curse"? Because looking deep into the lives of the so called perfect, we find out that even the rich also cry. Yet, life's challenges is no child's play.

Well, it's simple, enjoy life the way it suits your wish and touch as many as you can.


Yep. When you put it like that, it's simple 🙃

Do not know, we only can assume. Since there is no example of being 100% perfect. We people are afraid of unknown too.

Yep, true.