It's almost as if there should be a name for it. It should be a thing. It's like these days I'm always analysing my life. What I've done. What I'm doing. What I hope to be.
Who I hope to be.
I have tried to do good. I have made some mistakes, and feel some guilt for them. But I haven't been malicious. I haven't been cruel. I have tried to be good, and do good (and yes - that is a thing).
Am I the only one who is feeling this? Because it's a powerful feeling indeed.
Thankfully, my life is not one of regret.
When I was a kid, I used to wonder what kind of a man I would be. Now I am a man, I wander through my memories, longing to touch base with the child that was.
And I remember a conversation - in my 20s - with the first girl I really, truly loved. She asked me what I wanted to be, most of all in my life. My greatest ambition.
I told her that I wanted to be a good father.
And it was true. It remains true.
And now that I am a father, I think about the many mistakes I have made (for what father, what mother, hasn't made mistakes as they learn how to navigate the challenges of parenthood?) and constantly wish I had done better.
I strive, everyday, to do better.
I think I have always been this way. Always questioned myself, held myself up to a high standard I always tried to attain, but didn't always succeed.
But never more than now, when I'm 50.
It really should be a thing. Like a midlife crisis.
Or something.
Image courtesy of pixabay.com

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I turned 50 too, this year, and I think there is something about this age.
I can't really pin down my feeling on it.
Reflective...maybe. But there is something else going on (for me anyway).
An 'exhale'? (relaxation)...maybe.
I dunno either, mate. Happy 50's!
Happy 50s!
An exhale. I like that. Maybe my problem is that I want to be there, but I'm not quite there yet.
Hopefully this year. Cheers 🍺
It simply means you have substance. You think. You reflect. Each decade brings a new perspective on life left live ... which causes heartfelt looks at the life lived so far.
Dream big! The best is yet to be.
I can go with that. The best is yet to be.
So good.
Thanks 🌞
I am thinking too and I dream to retire near the lake I made. Besides, I only eat the food I grow organically.
Sounds fantastic. We'll get there!
All I keep thinking is how I wish I had the wisdom back when I was in my early twenties.
Yep it's true. When you're young you don't know how good you've got it and how many opportunities are actually out there.
I think maximum people think as like u .... They think ... If I will be child again . If come back the moment of childhood. When they close there eye they see clearly about there childhood,,, Then remember about many things that will happen in childhood. Childhood is the best time for human being.
It sure should be 🙃
...Not just YOU my friend! LOL
That's good to know 😁
...Just not good to have hit 50 LOL
Well i wouldn't know cos am a long way from fifty but i would make sure i live a good life so as not to have regrets when i get to that age,you are fortunate not to have regrets tho
Yep. I am.
Thanks for your comment 🙂
Me I think of my life 5 years from now...
You'll be cool.
5 years from now it'll all be good!
You'll be cool.
5 years from now it'll all be good!