Back 2 School for kids has arrived!

in #life8 years ago

Hi Steemians! It’s back to school this week for my kiddos and it’s been a great experience. When I think school time, the stereotypical image I get in my head is this picture..

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Image retrieved from:,_New_Jersey)#/media/File:Florham_Park_NJ_Little_Red_Schoolhouse.jpg

I never went to a school that looked like that. My schools were fairly typical of 21st century school buildings. But, the image remains every school year. And what is the next thing that I remember aside from the red school house?

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YUP! School supplies.. School supplies.. SCHOOL SUPPLIES!!!!

As a kid, I always remembered the distinct smell of new reams of 8x11 paper, boxes of pencils, containers of glue, etc. etc. And, it left a mark in my head. Every time I would walk into a grocery store or big box store and smelled that back to school smell I knew that school was weeks if not days away.

Now, as an adult with my own kiddies I’m experiencing it all over again. This time I imagine that my current reaction is what my parents went through. Trying to get the list of supplies that was needed. Not the Ticonderoga Kinder pencils.. no, the Ticonderoga #2 pencils. Scissors, stick glue, paper.. The fun thing for me this year was that each child had their own list of supplies. The weeks before when the supplies are posted by grade, they don’t mention that some of the supplies on the list are for the class in general. So, when I am packing the kids packs for day 1 of school they are bursting at the seam and I’m bringing spare bags. I should have known that some of these supplies (example 3-pack box of Kleenex, 1 ream of paper) would be supplies for just the class itself. But, me being anxious and wanting my kids to be prepared I sent it all on day one. Now, I’m laughing about it. At the time I was just making sure my kids had everything.

It’s day 2 and now we’ve had the back 2 school night at our kids school. We’ve met the teachers. And I’m excited for our kids!!! Each teacher loves their job and looks excited to manage 20-30 crazy children per class. I am kidding when I say that. But, I wish the teachers the best of luck this year. I’m so excited for my kids and I want the best for them. To be able to have teachers that enjoy their jobs make me feel really good about the coming year. Makes me want to provide a big, red one of these on the teachers desk.

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To those of you with little one’s, best of wishes for a fun school year with your kids!

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