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RE: The Bloody Octopus

in #life7 years ago

Well, it sounds like her first birth went about the same as mine. I had a vacuum assist, I'm assuming the claw was forceps? That was a consideration. My child was also stuck. I pushed for almost three hours which is unheard of, they were talking emergency c section, my poor hubby was also elbowed out of the way. I had a planned c section for the second child needless to say. I know people like to avoid that, but I honestly am hugely in favor of it now, it was sooo much better. And, while my daughter's head was shaped like a cone from all of the dastardly pressure put on it, my son had a perfect apple head lol.
I wish you both well!


A vacuum assist, I think that is the ventouse thing. The basically fastened it on to the baby's head and then it was suctioned on and they levered her out rather violently. It sounds like your experience was exactly the same.

Her head as well was all squished and scraped and a mess. It was quite the todo!!

I am sure it will all be grand this time. Perhaps number two will just fall out! :O)

Now that is every woman's hope I think...err, well, perhaps not for certain reasons. Have to think about that some more LOL

Hahaha, yeah there are definite plus's and minus's!!