A saucy little wench of a cheeky monkey from Beavertown, hahahaha, I think you just described me LOL, ahh, my buzz is enhancing this experience quite nicely!
I wonder if you can tell I'm a wee bit drunkish by the post I just put up? I might should slow down a bit, tomorrow I'm heading off to a Harvest cheesefest at a brewery I've been dying to go to :)
Have oodles of fun me boom!
Sometimes the night before something like that you have to cane it a bit ;0) lol, I was reading it, no drunkishness detected!!
Oh good! Although I probably could have been more tactful about the dead guy. Like not calling him the dead guy. It was a recent death though, so it should be okay. That probably makes no sense haha!
Haha, It was quite focused on the dead guy but you pulled out back with the carcass sign!
NOT a recent death I meant LOL!
That carcass sign....how many carcasses are being dumped to warrant that?? Freaky
Oh thank God, I did think it slightly odd that being decent meant it was ok!! Lol!!
Aye, keep your carcasses and make soup!!