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RE: The Big 4-0

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Okay first, happy birthday my sister of 1977 woot!! Now I get why I liked you so much, coolest year to be born, ever! Also 9/11 happens to be my husband's birthday, and he is awesome, so there you go.
Second, I may have just peed my pants. Which is apparently something that happens ALOT more once you turn forty, (and maybe a bit before that too) Beware of laughing, coughing, or sneezing too hard.
Third...why am I copying the numbers thing? Where does it say I have to put numbers before my points? What the hell am I talking about? Is this a pre-cursor to senility?

Lastly, I can clear something up for you. The new "IT" movie by Stephen King went to theaters a few days ago. (This is actually not a joke, as hilarious as it is to me right now!)

Thanks for giving me a plan for tonight (Find illegal copy of the new IT and watch that shit)

Sorry about the swearing, I'm going through a liberating language phase (a definite sign of mid life crisis )

EDIT: I'm not entirely sure if your tomorrow was talking about the eleventh or the twelfth come to think of it, which is also a sign of aging, suddenly losing the ability to do simple math.


Yeah!! 1977 rocks!!

I can't believe IT has just gone to theatres haha! That's so funny, I guess I'll have to get a copy myself and fulfil my daily reminder!!

My birthday was yesterday (the 12th)... but that is, like, soooo close to the eleventh it's practically the same day. XD

I'm a full supporter of swearing, having also just gone through a liberation of my own in that regard. I say let it out sister haha!!