I'm sure many of you have heard, but for those who haven't- a 70 kilometer convoy of truckers protesting the mandates, along with tens of thousands of supporters, have descended on the capitol of Ottawa.
Yes, tens of thousands, though the news- AKA fiction and theater- will have you think a few hundred.
In fact, according to this girl the convoy is still coming- traffic backed up for 110 Kilometers/68 miles, with a rough estimate of 250 thousand protesters already in the capitol-
Also there are reports of convoys in every major city throughout Canada-
If anyone has confirmation on this, drop it in the comment section!
In the meantime, check out the signs on the sides of the trucks-
And the drone footage of the Convoy arriving:
A beautiful night time view of parked truckers, fireworks all around:
Now a look on the ground at Ottawa-
Some more panning of the Ottawa crowd:
While Indigenous people drum on parliament hill:
Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau attempts to downplay the event by calling it a "fringe minority".
You can hear him lie all about it here:
One week ago border protest began when they learned of the convoy:
In addition to vaxed US truckers in the Canadian convoy, the unvaxed truckers have been driving to the border in support:
Niagara falls, NY side of the border-
Check out commentary of people gathered in Ottawa to support the truckers- "I think we'll stay here until Justin Trudeau is not our prime minister any longer"
They may have a wait in front of them as JT does the new version of Crying Wolf for politicians- Cries Covid:
When that doesn't work, he flees like the coward he is-
No one is buying your Bull Trudeau!
And once again Simpsons prediction comes true... watch cartoon Justin slink out of a window-
Either the Simpsons have a clairvoyant on their staff, or inside information that makes you wonder how long the plans for so many things have been in the works...anyway.
EDIT: Well Dang, apparently that was two episodes spliced together. Ah well, I still picture ol' Justin slithering out his window just like that :0)
**I've been speaking with my friend, the lovely @canadian-coconut, who was at one of the overpasses cheering the convoy on!
❤️ The excitement is infectious indeed!
Thank you Canada freedom truckers for inspiring the world!
Rally going on in Texas right now:
Freedom convoy in Australia
And a DC trucker convoy is already in the works!
And the 'Baton' is being passed... they're coming for you DC!
Not to mention the untelevised "Defeat the Mandate" rally in DC last week:
17 thousand doctors across the US have joined the coalition against these tyrannical measures!
And here are some recent protests in Belgium and Italy:
I've spent the past few days compiling these, and despite very few News outlets commenting (especially accurately) the people have picked up the Media's slack and then some! There are so many clips that one of the hardest parts of making this post was picking and choosing from them.
There were also massive protests in Spain, Germany, Austria and more, though the dates for those was unclear.
And this:
Some of you know that my 18 year old son, Ethan, has been competing in arm wrestling tournaments since he was 15, so he was super excited to discover one of his heroes in the sport, Devon Laratt, is in Ottawa supporting the protest with the intention of setting up some tables in the middle of it all-
I've had so much fun going through these- If you take a few minutes to check them out, you'll find it's awesome to watch the narrative falling apart before our eyes!
And I was just going to wrap this up when my daughter sent me this- Civil rights attorney Leigh Dundas reports Saskatchewan mandates have fallen!
Great to see, justine is going down!
We hope that's the result!
Still watching, this is a CROWD 😁
That Simpsons clip isn't real. Just thought you should know.
But yeah shit hit the fan. It didn't come out of nowhere though. Canadians have been pissed for a long while.
If you mean that it wasn't based on Justin, I would be surprised if it was. Looks enough like him to be funny though! What I recall of the episode is Homer pissing the truckers off, and obviously this was in the US.
Do they really expect people to just keep taking it on the chin? They have done a decent job of dividing people to this point, but now most are remembering they have always believed in personal choice, and government overreach won't get far from there.
It's clips from different shows spliced together. Even people in the comments under the video on Youtube pointed it out. It's clickbait; just a joke. Not a prediction.
People don't want to take it on the chin. Progress was stalled though and still is in a way due to the media, and not just the mainstream. The sensationalized tabloid stuff on social media helps create and maintain fear and division as well. Normal people don't want to be associated with some "Truther's" nonsense. Because of that minority the media can say crap like "Fringe minority". The people who want to get shit done don't want to be associated with that nonsense. Many are reluctant to step up due to that. Even on social media now people are twisting the message to get their views and appease their audiences. But that's all I'll say about that. Could get shot around here for pointing that out.
I hear you, I run into that all of the time. For instance Dr. Malone, while an intelligent man who makes some interesting points- certainly some that I agree with- also says things like "I have nothing to gain" several times in one interview which immediately raises a red flag for me. People, probably always, but noticably lately, have a tendency of just agreeing with whatever the opposite of what they disagree with is. Especially true when it comes to religion and politics. And when you're not religious or political it just seems like a really odd way of looking at things.
Have they always parroted each other this way too? Maybe it's not new, and I just didn't notice before?
Edited the post, I was too enamored of the image of Justin skittering out the window to do a better fact check apparently.
It's not supposed to be about destruction for instance, yet some of the zany types still lingering started wrecking shit, so of course that's what gets shown on the news. There was a guy in Saskatchewan, old farmer probably mid 70's talking about civil war and grabbing the guns, so of course the media grabbed that sound bite. Then of course those who want to hear that latch on as well. It's difficult to get down to brass tacks when people aren't using their heads and just want to put on a show or act tough.
Trudeau called an election early. Some only voted for him because it seemed like he made a mess and wanted out, so the people said, "Fuck that, you're not going nowhere. This is your mess to clean up." Not everyone of course but some voters had that mindset. If they had voted for their candidate, their candidate would be the one getting blamed for this mess.
My province hasn't been as bad as some other places with these mandates. It would be similar to how the USA is where each state kind of has their own rules.
But being on social media and seeing how folks from other places around the world cover it, and seeing how much they get wrong, or how much they twist to suit their narratives; that's kind of annoying. Like I pointed out how that Simpsons video is just a gag. If I pointed that out somewhere else I'd have been muted and shouted out of the room, mainly because of that divided mindset where people think you're some imaginary 'other team' if you don't accept everything they say and take it at face value.
That's been around for awhile though. Always been difficult to navigate. I noticed that behavior long ago. Nothing new.
Of course there is always going to be a handful of asshats, it was the same on Jan 6. I have friends who went to that, they kept posting the crowd essentially singing Kumbaya, they were oblivious to whatever was happening in the building. And there's some compelling evidence that people get paid to cause violence and disruption in order to give the media their skewed stories- not that.asshats don't already exist without monetary incentive.
It just sucks that there's no such thing as integrity in journalism anymore. No fact reporting, just spinning. And you're absolutely right, the fringe news is the same, spinning it another way. So we're all left piecing things together from what we ourselves can see.
And people are more concerned with being "right" than they are about the truth, which is why they shout people out of a comment section. All that does is perpetuate the division. Honestly it's a brilliant scheme on the part of those creating it, if only people would stop falling for it it would stop being so successful.
I agree 100%. With everything you said. And I know all about those paid provocateurs. Then the age old 'monkey see monkey do' kicks in.
This line I wrote a couple weeks back: Too busy worshipping control in order to be controlled, better. Too busy fighting their reflections.
Applies to a lot of things.
which justin?

this one? llolololo
Ha! Wow. How do these people manage to spin their image with crap like this floating around?
lol i cant help but laugh every time i see it! lol his face such a clown
I can't resist- Australia is watching you Canada ❤️
Wow...just Wow.
Awesome...Italy+++, too!😀 💪