Excellent post. This post solidified for me why taking things one task at a time is best. The situation of having so many things to do actually makes the overall perception of the tasks seem harder, also known as analysis paralysis.
I read another great comparison of a lion and tamer. Everyone knows the lion can easily maul the tamer if he wanted to, but when the tamer holds a 4 legged chair against the lion, the lion feels there are 4 threats in front of him. Thus the lion ends up becoming paralyzed because he doesn't know which one to go after.
As human beings, we have great capability, but the buildup of things to do can change our perception on handling the task. Remember that we are the lion compared to our tasks! Thanks again for the post @TheCryptofiend.
That is a fantastic way to put it. I think we are often paralysed by seeing multiple things in front of us, just like the lion.