I love steam trains too! I have ridden on them, as we have a few places in the US that still run historic ones as part of a sort of park of history.
Sandly our actual train system is so bad in the USA. We are so behind Europe in this. After WWII when the US really built up it ripped out tons of teain lines and replaced everything with roads and highways as we were to become the 'car makers' of the world. In my area, you used to be able to take trains but before my time, now all the area that had tracks that would benefit the towns and help with all the traffic we have on the Cape in the summer were ripped out and paved and used as bike trails, which sounds nice but only get used occasionally for sport and recreation when we really need cheaper and more reliable and less traffic inducing transportation. Oh well.
This looks like a lovely day out!
I'm not so sure that the train system in the Usa is wrost than our italian train system. Here in Italy we have a good net of railroads, but many problems with delay of the trains. Many people use train form the little town to the big city, but everytime there are some issues :(
In the US you can't even take a train from little towns or villages as they ripped out most of the lines and only use them to move garbage around but not people. And our tracks are such bad shape that our trains travel SO SLOW.
When I'm in the UK I am always amazed and jealous of their trains, so effieceint and fast. If our trains could be the speed of English trains then when @winstonalden took his train into the city for work he'd get there in 20 minutes instead it's over an hour AND he has to drive 30 minutes to a much larger town to catch the train, even though if it were 1940 he could just catch it our our little village here, as the trains used to run from the city to all the little villages on the Cape all the way to the very end. Now you have to just sit in cars in traffic in Summer to get anywhere.